Vatican News

Pope says anti-life culture “intimidated” by natural fertility regulation

Jan 29, 2004

In a message made public today, Pope John Paul told the participants at a meeting in Rome on the theme... Read more


Pope urges French bishops to attract committed laity to the Church

Jan 29, 2004

Speaking to a group of French bishops from the provinces of Dijon and Tours, Pope John Paul II focused on... Read more


Human development goes beyond economic success, Pope tells Chinese ambassador

Jan 29, 2004

Speaking to the new ambassador of the Republic of China (Taiwan,) Chou-seng Tou, Pope John Paul remarked in English that... Read more

Pope says Christian marriage is valid unless “the contrary is demonstrated”

Jan 28, 2004

Addressing officials and attorneys of the Roman Rota at the inauguration of the Vatican’s judicial year, Pope John Paul II... Read more


Pope call to reflect on condition of Children, “spiritual childhood” during Lent

Jan 28, 2004

Pope John Paul II released today his Lenten Message for 2004 entitled “Whoever receives one such child in my name... Read more


Vatican launches initiatives to favor Children with AIDS

Jan 28, 2004

During the official presentation of Pope John Paul II’s Lenten message 2004, entitled “Whoever receives one such child in my... Read more


God is “a vigilant Presence on the side of good,” Pope says

Jan 27, 2004

Resuming his commentary on the Psalms, Pope John Paul said during his Wednesday catechesis that God is not indifferent to... Read more


Swift change in Brazilian episcopate as Pope accepts resignation of three Cardinals

Jan 27, 2004

Pope John Paul II made a significant change in the Brazilian Episcopate by simultaneously accepting today the resignation of three... Read more


Education in peace, key to preventing genocide, Vatican says

Jan 27, 2004

During his intervention at the Fourth Stockholm International Forum “Preventing Genocide,” Archbishop Celestino Migliore, the Holy See Permanent Observer to... Read more


Papal message for Lent to focus on children

Jan 27, 2004

Pope John Paul’s Lenten Message for 2004 will be entitled, “Whoever receives one such child in my name receives me,”... Read more


Pope meets Cheney, urges Americans to work in favor of international cooperation

Jan 26, 2004

During his meeting with United States Vice President Dick Cheney, Pope John Paul II praised American fundamental values, and asked... Read more


Scientific research needs to be open to the human soul, Pope says

Jan 26, 2004

Speaking to a group of Polish scientists and academics, Pope John Paul II stressed again that scientific investigation must promote,... Read more


Pope praises World Food program

Jan 26, 2004

Pope John Paul II received on Tuesday James T. Morris, executive director of the World Food Program, and praised the... Read more


Pope to preside Mass on the Presentation of the Lord

Jan 26, 2004

Pope John Paul II will preside at a Mass on the feast of the Presentation of the Lord on Monday,... Read more


Renewal of priestly identity is antidote to “alarming” lack of priests, Pope says

Jan 25, 2004

During a meeting with a group of French bishop on Saturday, Pope John Paul II stressed the need to strengthen... Read more


In new document, Pope evaluates impact of media in the family

Jan 25, 2004

In a message released on Saturday on the occasion of the 38th World Communications Day –to be celebrated on May... Read more


Pope again calls for Christian Unity, releases doves for peace

Jan 25, 2004

Addressing the crowds gathered on Sunday in St. Peter's Square to pray the Angelus, Pope John Paul II called again... Read more


Artists must reflect God with their art, Pope says to “break-dancers”

Jan 25, 2004

After praying the Angelus on Sunday, Pope John Paul II received in the Clementine Hall a group from the Artistic... Read more


Pope praises Spain’s Christian roots

Jan 22, 2004

On Friday morning Pope John Paul received in audience Jose Maria Aznar, President of the Spanish government, accompanied by his... Read more

Vatican issues official statement on “The Passion of the Christ”

Jan 21, 2004

Trying to put an end to the controversy sparked over whether or not John Paul II said “it is as... Read more