Vatican News


Pope sends condolences to victims of coal mine explosion in Ukraine

Jul 20, 2004

The Holy Father sent a telegram of condolences, through Cardinal Secretary of State Angelo Sodano, to Bishop Stepan Meniok, C.SS.R.,... Read more


Pope intervenes in seminary sex scandal in Austria

Jul 19, 2004

The Vatican Press Office announced this Tuesday that Pope John Paul II has appointed an apostolic visitator to probe the... Read more


Pope says Sunday a day for deeper prayer

Jul 18, 2004

The Holy Father, on returning to his apostolic palace at Castelgandolfo from his 12 day vacation, prayed the Angelus with... Read more


Pope expresses his condolences for children victims of fire in India

Jul 18, 2004

A telegram was sent in the Holy Father’s name expressing his condolences for the victims of the fire that took... Read more


Vatican releases schedule of Pope John Paul II's 104th trip

Jul 15, 2004

The schedule of Pope John Paul II’s  trip to Lourdes, August 14-15, to celebrate the feast of the Assumption and... Read more


Cardinal Sodano meets with Russian foreign minister

Jul 14, 2004

This morning the vice-director of the Holy See Press Office, Fr. Ciro Benedettini, C.P., announced that a meeting had taken... Read more


Photo album "John Paul among the Mountains" presented

Jul 13, 2004

On July 12 a book entitled "John Paul II Among the Mountains," by Nadia Millery Ognibene and Raffaella Poletti, was... Read more


100 European and African bishops to meet in Rome to discuss communion between the two continents

Jul 12, 2004

The Council of European Bishops' Conferences (CCEE) and the Symposium of Episcopal Conferences of Africa and Madagascar (SECAM) are set... Read more


Pope is not writing any document or book during his vacations

Jul 11, 2004

Contrary to speculations that the Holy Father is writing a book or document during his vacation in Les Combes, northwest... Read more


Pope highlights importance of silence in the midst of modern culture’s “noise”

Jul 11, 2004

The Holy Father spoke of the importance of silence in order to listen  to the “voice of God,”  during the... Read more


Pope calls for solidarity to end poor countries' debt

Jul 8, 2004

In a letter to Cardinal Renato Martino president of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace, the Holy Father called... Read more

Vatican Budget is in the red, but church offerings are up, Cardinal reports

Jul 7, 2004

A supervisory committee of eight cardinals headed by Cardinal Sergio Sebastiani announced yesterday that the Vatican budget is in the... Read more


Meeting on how to promote development to be held at the Vatican

Jul 6, 2004

On July 9 in the office of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace in the Vatican, an international study... Read more

Pope appoints a US Bishop to a Jamaican diocese

Jul 5, 2004

Pope John Paul II has appointed Bishop Gordon Dunlap Bennett, S.J., Auxiliary of the Archdiocese of Baltimore, U.S.A., as Bishop... Read more


Pope appoints special envoy for the 50th Anniversary of the Basilica of Lisieux, home of the "Little Flower"

Jul 5, 2004

Made public today was a Letter by the Pope, written in Latin and dated June 11, in which he appointed... Read more


Education must help in "being more" rather than "having more," Pope says

Jul 4, 2004

In an address this morning to the 100 participants of the European education symposium entitled  “The Challenges of Education: Recovery,... Read more


Pope appoints new Auxliary Bishop in Baltimore

Jul 4, 2004

Pope John Paul II appointed on Saturday Msgr. Thomas Mitchell Rozanski, pastor of St. John the Evangelist Parish in Severna... Read more


Catholic and Orthodox can recover Europe's Christian soul, Pope says

Jul 4, 2004

Speaking of the recent visit to Rome of Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I as he addressed the crowds of faithful who... Read more


Before leaving to the Italian Alps, Pope wishes time of rest to workers

Jul 4, 2004

After the Angelus prayer, John Paul II said that he had accepted an invitation by the bishop of Aosta and... Read more


Pope will not go to Mexico, but will close International Eucharistic Congress via satellite

Jul 4, 2004

The  Vatican Press office announced on Saturday that Pope John II will not go to Mexico to participate at the... Read more