Vatican News


Pope, Vatican Secretary of State, meet with Israeli Interior Minister

Sep 13, 2004

Pope John Paul II received Israeli Interior Minister Avraham Poraz, this morning at Castelgandolfo, after the minister’s meeting with Vatican... Read more


Bishops must lead U.S. Church toward renewal through holy witness

Sep 12, 2004

United States bishops must continue to lead the U.S. Church on the road toward authentic renewal in the aftermath of... Read more


John Paul II prays with U.S. bishops on Sept. 11

Sep 12, 2004

Pope John Paul II joined the bishops of Pennsylvania and New Jersey in praying for an end to terrorism on... Read more


Mary’s maternal love inspires us to open our hearts to the suffering of others, says Pope

Sep 12, 2004

In a message marking the occasion of the 17th International Meeting on Mariology, the Holy Father said that  "Mary, with... Read more


May Mary watch over mankind in this hour marked by violence, says Pope

Sep 12, 2004

During his address before Sunday’s Angelus prayer at Castelgandolfo, John Paul II, noting that "according to an ancient tradition, today... Read more


Pope “deeply saddened” over death of Orthodox Patriarch of Alexandria

Sep 12, 2004

This morning Pope John Paul II sent a telegram to the Holy Synod of the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Alexandria... Read more


Cooperation among peoples, religions, and cultures is urgent, says Cardinal

Sep 12, 2004

On Saturday September 11, Cardinal Paul Poupard, president of the Pontifical Council for Culture, stressed the “pressing urgency” of cooperation... Read more


Holy See denounces death of Chinese bishop in prison and demands release of those under arrest

Sep 12, 2004

The Holy See’s Press Office has released an official statement denouncing the death of a 76 year-old Chinese bishop who... Read more


St. Paul’s Outside the Walls to remain under care of Benedictines, turnover cancelled

Sep 9, 2004

Vatican observer Sandro Magister issued a post scriptum concerning news of the turnover taking place in the running of the... Read more

John Paul II to remember September 11 tragedy with American bishops

Sep 9, 2004

Pope John Paul II will meet tomorrow with various U.S. bishops on the occasion of the third anniversary of the... Read more


Pope welcomes members of Schoenstatt movement

Sep 8, 2004

Pope John Paul II today welcomed 2,000 members of the Schoenstatt movement, a Catholic secular institute devoted to defending family... Read more


Pope focuses Wednesday audience on children, especially those killed in Russia

Sep 7, 2004

Pope John Paul II invited the crowd gathered at this morning’s general audience in the Paul VI Hall, on the... Read more


World needs peace, not violence, says Pope to inter-religious summit

Sep 7, 2004

In view of the third anniversary of September 11, 2001, Pope John Paul II strongly affirmed in a message to... Read more


Cardinal Martino says world is living “Fourth World War.”

Sep 7, 2004

Cardinal Renato Martino, President of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace, told the Italian daily “La Stampa” yesterday that... Read more


New Catalan blessed is example for doctors, Pope says

Sep 6, 2004

This morning at Castel Gandolfo, Pope John Paul II said to pilgrims from the archdiocese of Barcelona that Blessed Pere... Read more


Effective use of media essential for evangelization, Vatican official tells bishops

Sep 6, 2004

Archbishop John P. Foley, president of the Pontifical Council for Social Communications, said during a seminar for bishops today that... Read more

Marriage is only between a man and a woman, Pope says to Canadians

Sep 5, 2004

Speaking on Saturday to Canada's new ambassador to the Holy See, Donald Smith, Pope John Paul II insisted - in... Read more


Pope hopes "spiral of hatred and violence" will not prevail after Russian crisis

Sep 5, 2004

In a telegram sent in his name on Saturday Septemer 4 to Archbishop Antonio Mennini, representative of the Holy See... Read more


Pope tells European youth to not be afraid of witnessing to Christ

Sep 5, 2004

In Loreto on Saturday, during a gathering of prayer and celebration, more than 15,000 young people listened to a recorded... Read more


Pope to lay people: Holiness is greatest gift to Church and world

Sep 5, 2004

During the celebration of  a Mass on Sunday September 5 in Loreto in which he beatified the Servants of God... Read more