Vatican News


Pope says charity also applies to rich countries in regard to poor ones

Sep 26, 2004

During yesterday’s Angelus, Pope John Paul II spoke of the application of charity in regard to the relationship between rich... Read more


Europe needs Christian values to build a better society, says Pope

Sep 26, 2004

In a message for the occasion of the Social Weeks of France, held from September 23 to 26 in Lille,... Read more


Renew fidelity to original charism, says Pope to religious

Sep 23, 2004

The Pope stressed the important need to “constantly renew fidelity” to  the “original charism” by “permanent care of the spiritual... Read more


Holy See: Sports and Tourism aid development of societies

Sep 23, 2004

The 25th World Tourism Day, to be held on  September 27, will focus on the theme "Sports and Tourism: Two... Read more


Vatican newspaper calls for hope in wake of kidnappings in Iraq

Sep 23, 2004

The offical Vatican newspaper “L ‘Osservatore Romano,” is calling on Italians not to lose hope in response to terrorist statements... Read more


“Stay faithful to your history” of witnessing to God, says Pope to Benedictines

Sep 22, 2004

Pope John Paul II received Benedictine Abbots and Priors at Castelgandolfo this morning and encouraged them to “stay faithful” to... Read more

Solidarity of the suffering Christ transforms and guides us toward the beautiful plan of God, says Pope

Sep 21, 2004

In today’s weekly general audience in St. Peter’s Square, Pope John Paul II emphasized the transformative power of Christ’s solidarity... Read more


Meeting on pastoral care of migrants produces recommendations for European bishops

Sep 21, 2004

The consequences of the enlargement of the European Union for the Church's pastoral care for migrants in Europe was the... Read more


Pope grateful to Portugal for highlighting Europe's Christian identity

Sep 20, 2004

On receiving the Letters of Credence of the new ambassador of Portugal to the Holy See, Joao Alberto Bacelar da... Read more


Holy See: fight against hunger demands greater commitment from the world

Sep 20, 2004

In an address to a meeting at the United Nations yesterday in New York, Cardinal Angelo Sodano, the Vatican Secretary... Read more

Evil’s apparent victory is defeated by the Cross of Christ, says Pope

Sep 19, 2004

Before praying the Angelus at Castelgandolfo on Sunday, Pope John Paul II shared his reflections on the presence of evil... Read more


Peace will only come when dialogue prevails over confrontation, says Pope

Sep 19, 2004

Pope John Paul II received the Letters of Credence of Nevine Simaika Halim Abadia, new ambassador of Egypt to the... Read more


Be steadfast, audacious, and vigilant in seeking new ways to teach faith, says Pope to Pacific bishops

Sep 19, 2004

Pope John Paul II addressed the bishops of the Episcopal Conference of the Pacific at Castelgandolfo on Saturday who had... Read more


Papal Masses to be celebrated between September 28 and December 31

Sep 19, 2004

The Office of Liturgical Celebrations of the Supreme Pontiff made public today the calendar of celebrations to be presided over... Read more


Protect the sacraments, give faithful dignified celebrations, says Pope to bishops

Sep 16, 2004

This morning at Castelgandolfo, the Pope spoke to 130 recently-appointed bishops from both the Oriental and Occidental Churches, about their... Read more


Christian morality must be considered most powerful factor in economic relations, says Pope to bankers

Sep 16, 2004

This morning at Castelgandolfo Pope John Paul II spoke about the role of bankers to 25 members of the Italian... Read more


Cardinal asks for the avoidance of innocent civilian death in Iraq

Sep 16, 2004

The honorary president of Vatican Radio, Cardinal Roberto Tucci, asked the coalition forces yesterday to avoid the deaths of innocent... Read more

Be guardians of the faith, unity of the Church, says Pope to bishops

Sep 15, 2004

This morning at Castelgandolfo, Pope John Paul II received 130 French-, Spanish- and Portuguese-speaking bishops from Africa, Asia, Oceania and... Read more


Pope: God guides history despite Satan and evil

Sep 14, 2004

Pope John Paul II said today that "history is driven through the effective work of God, despite the storms, the... Read more


Pope accepts resignation of two U.S. auxiliary bishops

Sep 14, 2004

Today Pope John Paul II accepted the resignation from office of Bishop Francis X. Roque and of Bishop Joseph Madera,... Read more