Vatican News


Pope beatifies 5, says Blessed Emperor Charles is model for Catholic leaders

Oct 3, 2004

On Sunday in St. Peter's Square, in a ceremony attended by 30,000 pilgrims including dozens of members from the royal... Read more


Pope meets pilgrims of beatifications, speaks of the message of the new blesseds

Oct 3, 2004

This morning Pope John Paul II received pilgrims who participated yesterday in the beatification of the Servants of God Pierre... Read more


Pope commends Croatian fidelity to Catholic tradition

Sep 30, 2004

In an audience this morning with 2000 Croatian pilgrims from the archdiocese of Split-Makarska, Pope John Paul II highlighted their... Read more


Global development must be integral and human, Cardinal Martino says

Sep 30, 2004

Cardinal Renato Martino, president of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace, in an address to the 16th Banking Conference... Read more


Inter-religious dialogue, Latin America's Catholic identity in Pope's prayer intentions

Sep 30, 2004

The Holy Father's general prayer intention for the month of October is: "That, firm in their faith, Christians may be... Read more


Pope asks Pakistani president to promote dialogue and religious tolerance

Sep 29, 2004

Pope John Paul II received Pervez Musharraf, the president of Pakistan, this morning, and encouraged him and his countrymen to... Read more


Pope encourages Colombian bishops to keep announcing peace and reconciliation

Sep 29, 2004

Pope John Paul II received bishops from Colombia ending their “ad limina” visit this morning and encouraged them to continue... Read more


Vatican Official lays out Holy See’s global policy at UN General Assembly

Sep 29, 2004

Archbishop Giovanni Lajolo, secretary for the Holy See's Relations with States, laid out the Holy See’s policy on global themes... Read more


Papacy is not about power, but truth and love, Cardinal Ratzinger says

Sep 28, 2004

In his homily for yesterday evening’s Mass in St. Peter's Basilica at the Altar of the Chair for the deceased... Read more


Pope happy with release of two Italian hostages in Iraq

Sep 28, 2004

Yesterday evening Joaquin Navarro-Valls, director of the Holy See Press Office, following the release of two Italian women who had... Read more


Pope greets Polish workers' union, wishes solidarity in all Europe

Sep 28, 2004

During today’s general audience in Saint Peter’s Square, Pope John Paul II greeted some of his fellow Poles in Rome... Read more


Fighting AIDS in Africa requires truth about sexuality, Pope warns

Sep 28, 2004

In Pope John Paul II’s Message for the World Day of the Sick to take place on February II, 2005,... Read more


2005 World Communications Day to focus on Media at service of understanding between peoples

Sep 28, 2004

Pope John Paul II has chosen as the theme "The Communications Media: At the Service of Understanding between Peoples," for... Read more


Responding to evil with good, theme for 2005 World Day of Peace, Vatican announces

Sep 27, 2004

The theme of Pope John Paul II’s Message for the 38th World Day of Peace on January 1, 2005,  made... Read more


Pope to proclaim 5 new blessed, Gibson's inspiration for "The Passion of the Christ"

Sep 27, 2004

Anne Catherine Emmerick, whose book “Passion of Our Lord” inspired Mel Gibson’s “The Passion of the Christ,” will be beatified... Read more


Pope praises courage of persecuted Cardinal

Sep 26, 2004

This morning the Holy Father praised Cardinal Kazimierz Swiatek, Archbishop of Minsk-Mohilev, Belarus, for his testimony of courageous Christian faith... Read more


Pope says prison inmates must be treated with dignity and charity

Sep 26, 2004

This morning, on receiving officials of the Department of Prison Administration, the inspector general of chaplains and a number of... Read more


Pope expresses gratitude for courageous work of Apostolic nuncios in Africa

Sep 26, 2004

The pontifical representatives from Africa were received on Saturday in Castelgandolfo by Pope John Paul II, who thanked them for... Read more


Pope to return to Vatican on Wednesday, ending summer season

Sep 26, 2004

Pope John Paul II will return to the Vatican on Wednesday, September 29 from Castelgandolfo, thus ending the summer season. Read more


Vatican acknowledges grave risk posed by WMD and nuclear proliferation in the Middle East

Sep 26, 2004

At a conference delivered on September 22, during the 48th Conference of The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA,) the Vatican... Read more