Vatican News


Pope tells media they “have enormous potential for promoting peace”

Jan 23, 2005

The Pope made public today his message for the 39th Day of Social Communications which is due to be held... Read more


“World needs to build a future of peace among men,” says Pope

Jan 23, 2005

Today at the Vatican, John Paul II received the Letters of Credence of Monique Patricia Antoinette Frank, the new ambassador... Read more


Pope calls seminarians to put the Eucharist as “the point of reference for your lives”

Jan 23, 2005

The Holy Father today received the rector, students, former students and superiors of the diocesan seminary of Rome, the "Almo... Read more


Pope expresses grief over death of Italian soldier in Iraq

Jan 23, 2005

Following the news of the death of the Italian warrant officer Simone Cola in Nasiriya, Iraq, Cardinal Secretary of State... Read more


Pope calls faithful to be witnesses of full communion

Jan 23, 2005

Before praying the midday Angelus today, the Pope reminded the thousands of faithful gathered in St Peter's Square that "the... Read more

Pope asks bishops to “awaken an ever greater love for the mystery of the Eucharist”

Jan 20, 2005

The Pope expressed his joy this morning that the Pontifical Commission for Latin America, during the Year of the Eucharist,... Read more


Health care ministry called to show Christ to the suffering, says Pope

Jan 20, 2005

Today the Holy Father reminded members of the Pontifical Council for Health Care Ministry, that the aim of the Council... Read more


Pope celebrates feast of St. Agnes with traditional blessing of lambs

Jan 20, 2005

Pope John Paul II, in liturgical memory of the virgin-martyr St. Agnes, whose feast is today and for whom the... Read more

Catholic agencies worldwide give $500 million to aid tsunami victims

Jan 19, 2005

A speech given by Archbishop Celestino Migliore to the United Nations General assembly was published today regarding relief efforts in... Read more


Pope calls strengthening of marriage and families crucial for society

Jan 19, 2005

This morning, John Paul II called on participants of the General Chapter of the International Union of Families of Schoenstatt... Read more

Pope calls prayer the “soul of the ecumenical movement”

Jan 18, 2005

"These are days of reflection and prayer”, the Holy Father said today in his general audience at the Vatican, recalling... Read more


Pope extends special greeting to Armenian Patriarch

Jan 18, 2005

At the end of his general audience today, the Holy Father gave a special greeting to the Armenian delegation present... Read more

Vatican Announces Release of Kidnapped Iraqi Archbishop

Jan 17, 2005

The Vatican press office announced with relief and satisfaction today that, “we learned of the release of Archbishop Basile Georges... Read more


World delegation of rabbis thank Pope for his efforts to “demolish the wall of hatred”

Jan 17, 2005

This morning, in the largest private audience ever given by a Pope to Jewish leaders, John Paul II received 160... Read more

Pope calls sporting activity “a worthwhile educational instrument”

Jan 16, 2005

This morning at the Vatican, the Pope received the president, management, drivers and technicians of the Italian car manufacturer Ferrari,... Read more


Pope calls Eucharist “our spiritual nourishment” during meeting with Vatican Security

Jan 16, 2005

The Eucharist was the focus of the Holy Father's talk yesterday when he received members of the Public Security Inspectorate,... Read more


Vatican announces Holy Father’s calendar for coming months

Jan 16, 2005

The Vatican recently announced the various events at which the Holy Father will be present during the following months. Read more


Pope calls faithful to “Implore God for the Gift of Full Unity”

Jan 16, 2005

The World Day of Migrants and Refugees and the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity were at the center of... Read more


Holy Father Accepts Archbishop Keleher’s Resignation

Jan 16, 2005

The Holy Father accepted the resignation from the pastoral care of Kansas City in Kansas, presented by Archbishop James Patrick... Read more


New documents reveal Hitler wanted Pope Pius XII kidnapped

Jan 16, 2005

Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler had ordered one of his generals to kidnap Pope Pius XII during World War II, reported... Read more