Vatican News

Pope sends condolences to Palestinian people upon death of Yasser Arafat

Nov 10, 2004

Upon learning of the death of Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat this morning, Cardinal Angelo Sodano, Vatican secretary of state, sent... Read more


Vatican reiterates desire for two independent and reconciled states in Holy Land

Nov 10, 2004

The Vatican issued a statement following the death of Palestinian National Authority president Yasser Arafat, who passed away this morning... Read more


Eucharist a foretaste of Heaven, says Pope at Mass for deceased cardinals

Nov 10, 2004

Presiding at Mass this morning in St. Peter’s Basilica for the repose for the sould of the cardinals and bishops... Read more

Choose to trust in God, not in false values, says Pope

Nov 9, 2004

In today’s general audience held in St. Peter’s Square and in the Paul VI Hall, Pope John Paul II speaking... Read more


Pope thanks God for Poland’s freedom, urges dedication to the common good

Nov 9, 2004

In words after today’s general audience at the Vatican, Pope John Paul II, speaking to fellow Poles in the audience... Read more

Family is place of spiritual and moral formation of young people, says Pope

Nov 8, 2004

Pope John Paul II, receiving bishops this morning from the Episcopal Conference of the Indian Ocean (CEDOI), invited "Christian people... Read more


Make Christ present in the world through personal witness, says Pope to consecrated

Nov 8, 2004

Pope John Paul II, in a meeting with Teresian Carmelite Missionaries this morning, re-affirmed that the challenge of consecrated life... Read more


“Beauty of Christ” is inspiration for artistic patrimony over last 2000 years, says Pope

Nov 8, 2004

During a meeting today of the Coordinating Council Between Pontifical Academies, founded by Pope John Paul II in 1995,  Archbishop... Read more


Pope to preside at Mass for 150th anniversary of Immaculate Conception dogma

Nov 8, 2004

Mass for the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception, December 8, on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the proclamation... Read more

To benefit humanity, scientific creativity must be detached from ideology, profit, says Pope

Nov 7, 2004

This morning Pope John Paul II received participants of the plenary session of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences, whose theme... Read more


Eucharist is the pinnacle of prayer for the dead, says Pope

Nov 7, 2004

Pope John Paul II, prior to praying the Angelus yesterday with the faithful in St. Peter’s Square, reminded them that... Read more


Hindus and Christians must work together to support children, says Holy See

Nov 7, 2004

In the annual message of the Holy See to Hindus on the festival of Diwali which represents the victory of... Read more

Deep spiritual life, based in sacraments, is the soul of apostolate, says Pope

Nov 4, 2004

Pope John Paul II, on receiving participants in the General Chapter of Augustinian Recollects this morning, spoke on the necessity... Read more


Ideological attacks on marriage and family, sects, poverty, among challenges for Church in Americas, says Pope

Nov 4, 2004

Pope John Paul II, during a meeting this morning of the ninth post-synodal council of the general secretariat of the... Read more


JPII Cultural Center promotes dialogue between faith and culture, says Pope

Nov 4, 2004

Pope John Paul II welcomed Cardinal Adam Maida of Detroit and the trustees of the John Paul II Cultural Center... Read more


Pope to preside at Mass for deceased cardinals and bishops

Nov 4, 2004

Pope John Paul II will preside at a Mass on November 11 at 11.30 a.m. in St. Peter’s Basilica for... Read more


John Paul II celebrates feast day with large group of Polish

Nov 4, 2004

Pope John Paul II celebrated his patron saint’s feast day, St. Charles Borromeo, by interrupting his routine work schedule to... Read more

Pope encourages Iraqi efforts to build democracy

Nov 3, 2004

Pope John Paul II met with Prime Minister Iyad Allawi this morning and encouraged him and the Iraqi people in... Read more


Pope appoints new bishop of Alexandria, Louisiana

Nov 3, 2004

Monsignor Ronald P. Herzog, a priest of the diocese of Biloxi and pastor of Immaculate Conception parish, Laurel, Mississippi, has... Read more


All people called to become God’s children, says Pope

Nov 2, 2004

Pope John Paul II spoke on the "Hymn of the Saved," from the Book of the Apocalypse during this morning’s... Read more