Vatican News

Bishop Ricardo Blázquez, Bishop Giuseppe Versaldi, Archbishop Ricardo Ezzatti, Archbishop Charles Chaput and Bishop Ricardo Watti (top to bottom, left to right)

Apostolic visitors of Legion to meet with Vatican Secretary of State April 30

Mar 16, 2010

The five bishops appointed to the Apostolic Visitation of the Legion of Christ will meet with Vatican Secretary of State,... Read more


Priests must prioritize spiritual role over social, remarks archbishop

Mar 16, 2010

Archbishop Willem Jacobus Eijk of Utrecht in Holland noted last week that because of their contact with the world, priests... Read more


Benedict XVI dedicates 2010 WYD message to John Paul II's first reflection for youth

Mar 15, 2010

Pope Benedict XVI released his message for the 25th World Youth Day celebration on Monday. He invites the young people... Read more


Unity will only come from God, Pope says to Lutherans

Mar 15, 2010

"Unity is a gift that can be given to us only by God" the Holy Father told the Lutheran Community... Read more

Bishop Giuseppe Versaldi of Alessandria, Italy.

Due to Pope's rigor, sex abuse victims are rendered justice, writes Italian bishop

Mar 15, 2010

In an article titled "The rigor of Benedict XVI against the filth in the Church," Bishop Giuseppe Versaldi of Alessandria,... Read more


Sudanese Catholic bishops encouraged by Pope to continue building peace

Mar 15, 2010

Meeting with Sudanese bishops on Saturday, Pope Benedict XVI urged them to always look to the Gospel for the principles... Read more


Croatian prime minister hosted by Pope Benedict in audience

Mar 15, 2010

Jadranka Kosor, prime minister of the Republic of Croatia met with the Holy Father on Saturday morning. Following her meeting... Read more

Pope Benedict XVI

Experience of mercy key to real relationship with God, says Pope Benedict

Mar 14, 2010

Presiding over the mid-day Angelus prayer in St. Peter's Square on Sunday, Pope Benedict XVI reflected on the day's Gospel... Read more


Pope showed wisdom and firmness against abuses as CDF prefect, says Msgr. Scicluna

Mar 13, 2010

The Avvenire newspaper of the Italian Bishops' Conference printed an interview on Saturday which sheds light on how cases of... Read more

Pope Benedict XVI

Vatican: Pope was 'completely extraneous' to Munich sex abuse decision

Mar 13, 2010

Fr. Federico Lombardi, director of the Holy See's Press Office, released a statement on Saturday morning in which he made... Read more


Benedict XVI decides against alpine summer vacation

Mar 12, 2010

According to a communique released by the Holy See on Friday, the Pope will not be returning to the northwestern... Read more

Archbishop of Freiburg Robert Zollitsch.

Pope gives full support to German bishops' plan for responding to abuses

Mar 12, 2010

Archbishop of Freiburg Robert Zollitsch met with Pope Benedict on Friday to speak of the revelations of sexual abuse against... Read more

Solid priestly identity essential as secularism grows, Pope tells priests

Mar 12, 2010

Pope Benedict met with priests and bishops participating in an international theological convention on Friday and spoke with them on... Read more


Homilies should not exceed eight minutes, advises Vatican prelate

Mar 11, 2010

In a new book consisting of reflections based on the 2008 Synod on the Word of God, the secretary for... Read more


Pope to visit Evangelical Lutheran Community of Rome next Sunday

Mar 11, 2010

This coming Sunday afternoon the Holy Father will pay a visit to a Lutheran Church in Rome. The much anticipated... Read more


Man’s happiness and fulfillment depend on religious freedom, asserts Vatican official

Mar 11, 2010

The secretary of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace, Archbishop Mario Toso, remarked this week that, “man’s happiness and... Read more


Benedict XVI sends condolences for death of Egyptian Sheikh

Mar 11, 2010

The Pope remembered the Grand Imam and Sheikh of al-Azhar University, Dr. Muhammad Sayyed Tantawi, after his death on Wednesday.... Read more


Father Lombardi responds to Pontifical Academy for Life member, refutes claims

Mar 11, 2010

Vatican spokesman Father Federico Lombardi responded to an open letter this week sent to him by Christine de Vollmer, a... Read more

Pope Benedict XVI

Pope urges priests to offer Confession and educate faithful on sin

Mar 11, 2010

Participants in this week’s course on the hearing Confessions met with the Holy Father in audience on Thursday morning. To... Read more


Apostolic Exhortation on Bible expected after Easter

Mar 10, 2010

Following a press conference on Monday to present a new book, Archbishop Nikola Eterovic announced that Pope Benedict XVI will... Read more