US News

Archbishop Jose Gomez

Archbishop Gomez gives moving farewell to priest killed in car accident

Jul 23, 2010

Coadjutor Archbishop Jose Gomez of Los Angeles has written a letter bidding farewell to Fr. Ramon Salas Cacho, an exemplary... Read more

People praying during the National Day of Prayer.

Pro-family groups seek to join legal defense of National Day of Prayer

Jul 23, 2010

Claiming that the Obama administration is not presenting the strongest possible defense of the National Day of Prayer, several groups... Read more


Canonization cause for murdered Oklahoma priest moves to Rome

Jul 23, 2010

The archdiocesan phase of Fr. Stanley Rother's cause for canonization came to a close in a Mass this week at... Read more

Catholic League president Bill Donohue.

Abuse scandal rooted in homosexuality, not pedophilia, says Catholic League president

Jul 22, 2010

Bill Donohue, president of the Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights, spoke out in an article on the Washington... Read more


Pro-life Freedom Rides expect pro-abortion picketing

Jul 22, 2010

Supporters of legalized abortion have declared their intention to protest this week's Pro-Life Freedom Rides, according to Fr. Frank Pavone... Read more


New Courage apostolate in Oakland a sign of change, newspaper says

Jul 22, 2010

A new chapter of the Courage apostolate has opened in Oakland to minister to Catholics and others who have same-sex... Read more

Rep. Chris Smith.

US-funded effort to legalize abortion in Kenya could date back 10 years

Jul 21, 2010

The U.S. government has wrongly taken sides by spending taxpayer money to promote Kenya’s proposed constitution, Rep. Chris Smith is... Read more

Dr. Alice Von Hildebrand and Christopher West.

New Von Hildebrand essay analyzes Christopher West's approach to Theology of the Body

Jul 21, 2010

Adding to the current debate on how to best present the teachings of John Paul II's Theology of the Body,... Read more

Homosexual activists stand in front of Brian Brown as he tries to address the traditional marriage rally in Providence.

Homosexual activists disrupt pro-marriage rallies, intimidate nursing mother

Jul 21, 2010

Homosexual activists’ behavior at rallies by a touring pro-marriage event has ranged from “silly” to “crazy” and “disgraceful,” one event... Read more


US bishops' committee voices support for extension of unemployment benefits

Jul 20, 2010

The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops' committee on Domestic Justice and Human Development is urging the faithful to support a... Read more

Bl. William Chaminade and Rachel Lozano.

Miraculous cancer cure in St. Louis could canonize Marianist founder

Jul 20, 2010

Last Friday an evening prayer service marked the Archdiocese of St. Louis’ official closure of its investigation into an alleged... Read more

Breakup of prayer group outside Supreme Court prompts legal complaint, investigation

Jul 20, 2010

After a group from a Christian school in Arizona was told by a U.S. Supreme Court police officer that they... Read more


Missouri teen volunteers help kids in Long Island

Jul 18, 2010

For the past 14 years, a Missouri parish has been sending select teenagers on mission trips to the doors of... Read more

Rep. Chris Smith (R-NJ)

US gives $23 million to push new Kenyan constitution, charges Rep. Smith

Jul 17, 2010

Despite the U.S. Embassy to Kenya’s claim that the U.S. government is neutral in the Kenyan constitutional referendum, Rep. Chris... Read more

Photo courtesy of Ann Coakley / Rhode Island Catholic

Catholic couple takes faith on the road

Jul 17, 2010

Paul and Ann Coakley wanted to start their life together with as little debt as possible, so Paul took a... Read more

Pro-life protestors demonstrate against the honoring and invitation of President Obama.

Additional Notre Dame official to be questioned about selective treatment of ND 88

Jul 17, 2010

In the ongoing court hearings for the protesters arrested during demonstrations against President Obama’s appearance at the University of Notre... Read more

Trisha Tan / Eli Lazar

University of Illinois students express support for fired professor

Jul 17, 2010

Since the news of Dr. Kenneth Howell’s dismissal from the University of Illinois became public, students have been voicing their... Read more


Exiled political prisoners call for release of those who wish to remain in Cuba

Jul 16, 2010

The group of Cuban political prisoners who were released and sent to Spain as a result of the mediation of... Read more

Archbishop Charles Chaput.

Scripture is the story of God’s new creation, Archbishop Chaput tells Bible conference

Jul 16, 2010

Scripture is “the one story that really matters” because it is the story of God’s “new creation,” Archbishop Charles J.... Read more

Diocese of Peoria to meet with university officials over fired professor

Jul 16, 2010

The Diocese of Peoria has scheduled a meeting with officials from the University of Illinois to discuss the termination of... Read more