US News

Health and Human Services secretary Kathleen Sebelius and USCCB General Counsel Anthony Picarello

Catholic legal experts warn HHS against requiring coverage of contraception and sterilization

Sep 21, 2010

Officials with the U.S. Catholic bishops’ conference have urged the Department of Health and Human Services not to require coverage... Read more


West ends sabbatical with new show, says critics are on 'religious right'

Sep 20, 2010

Christopher West, the popular author and speaker whose presentation of Pope John Paul II's “Theology of the Body” has provoked... Read more


Iowa Catholic Conference backs state effort to overturn same-sex 'marriage'

Sep 20, 2010

The Iowa Catholic Conference (ICC) announced on Monday its support for a move that would amend the Midwestern state's constitution... Read more


Arizona Catholics eye long-term recovery in Haiti

Sep 19, 2010

It’s estimated that more than 200,000 Haitians died in the earthquake that toppled Port-au-Prince last January. The tremor lasted 35... Read more

Bishop John Quinn

Minnesota bishop encourages Catholics to act against same-sex ‘marriage’ dangers

Sep 19, 2010

The bishops of Minnesota are “alarmed” by continuing attacks on marriage, Bishop of Winona John Quinn has said. He reported... Read more


Don’t put off receiving the Sacrament of the Sick, recommends priest

Sep 18, 2010

Don’t wait until the anesthesiologist is ready to put the mask on you before you think about the Sacrament of... Read more

Fr. Thomas Berg

NY priest hopes to bring 'moral tradition' to new task force role

Sep 18, 2010

New York priest Fr. Thomas Berg was recently appointed by Gov. David Paterson as a member of the state's Life... Read more

Archbishop Charles Chaput

Living the Christian faith today is a ‘revolutionary act,’ Archbishop Chaput writes

Sep 18, 2010

In upcoming years Catholics will likely find it harder to influence the course of American culture or to live their... Read more

The late Msgr. John Sheridan

Malibu pastor emeritus passes away after car accident

Sep 17, 2010

After a severe car accident last month that killed a religious sister and injured U.S. Ambassador to Malta Doug Kmiec... Read more

Richard Doerflinger, Associate Director of the USCCB’s Secretariat of Pro-Life Activities.

Poll: 57 percent of informed Americans oppose federal funds for embryo-destroying research

Sep 17, 2010

Almost half of Americans oppose federal funding of stem cell research which involves destroying human embryos, a new survey reports.... Read more

Rep. Chris Smith (R-N.J.)

Rep. Smith calls for crackdown on US child trafficking

Sep 17, 2010

Testifying before a House of Representatives subcommittee yesterday, Rep. Chris Smith (R-N.J.) called for a harsher enforcement of laws against... Read more


Upcoming assembly to elect new leadership of US Catholic bishops’ conference

Sep 16, 2010

The Fall General Assembly of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) will take place Nov. 15-18 at the Baltimore... Read more


Seattle Catholics receive new archbishop from Pope Benedict

Sep 16, 2010

The Vatican announced on Thursday that Pope Benedict XVI appointed Bishop James Sartain of Joliet, Illinois to serve as Archbishop... Read more

Mr. Deal Hudson

Downsizing of Catholics in Alliance creates debate over Catholic political funding

Sep 16, 2010

The closure of the offices of the Democrat-leaning group Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good (CACG) has prompted debate... Read more

Fr. Gerald Murray, canon lawyer and pastor of St. Vincent de Paul Church in New York City

Priests have been 'worse' than silent on contraception, says canon law expert

Sep 15, 2010

Adding to Vatican analyst Sandro Magister's recent commentary on the issue of widespread contraception use among Catholics today, a noted... Read more


New project to help preserve Cardinal Newman’s manuscripts and spread his ideas

Sep 15, 2010

The Cardinal Newman Society (CNS) has launched a project to help preserve the handwritten manuscripts of the nineteenth-century convert and... Read more

Fr. Robert Barron

Fr. Robert Barron to launch national Catholic television show on WGN America

Sep 15, 2010

Fr. Robert Barron of the Archdiocese of Chicago will begin broadcasting a weekly national television show on WGN America to... Read more


Detroit's first Native American priest chosen as cultural consultant for USCCB

Sep 15, 2010

Father Maurice Henry Sands, pastor of St. Alfred parish in Taylor, Michigan, has been appointed as a consultant to the... Read more


Washington DC archbishop to speak on faith's role in shaping society

Sep 14, 2010

Archbishop Donald Wuerl of Washington, D.C. is slated to lecture on the topic of religious faith in shaping American society... Read more

Archbishop Gomez

Peace and brotherhood are found in Christ, Archbishop Gomez teaches on 9/11 anniversary

Sep 14, 2010

Celebrating the Holy Mass of Cultures last Saturday at Los Angeles' Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels, Archbishop Jose... Read more