US News


Schiavo To Get Guardian

Oct 26, 2003

The law signed by Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, which allowed him to order Terri Schiavo’s feeding tube reinserted states that... Read more


“Voice of the Faithful” Summit Offers “Cooperation” after Harshly Criticizing Bishops

Oct 26, 2003

Participants at the Summit of the lay organization “Voice of the Faithful” (VOTF) convoked this weekend at Fordham University's Rose... Read more


Ten Commandments Case Might Get Review In Supreme Court

Oct 26, 2003

America's highest court is expected to decide Nov. 3 whether it will review an Alabama case involving the public display... Read more


Catholic Students Better At Math

Oct 26, 2003

Catholic school students scored higher on New York States fourth- and eight-grade math exams than public schools. The data was... Read more


Keeler Admires Pope’s Simplicity and Perseverance

Oct 23, 2003

The archbishop of Baltimore said he admired the Pope for having stayed for all of the ceremonies in their entirety... Read more


Alternating between Divorced Parents Causes Problems for Children of Divorce

Oct 23, 2003

A new study in the Journal of Family Studies shows that the majority of babies who alternate living with their... Read more

Gibson Finds Distribution Deal For 'Passion'

Oct 22, 2003

Mel Gibson has finally found a distributor for his film The Passion of Christ. Gibson, who directed and produced the... Read more


Parents Of Dying Florida Woman Pray To Mother Teresa For Miracle

Oct 20, 2003

The parents of Terri Schiavo, the Florida woman being starved to death under court order at the request of her... Read more


The U.S. Is Better Because Of John Paul II: Bush

Oct 16, 2003

The United States is better because of the pope's wisdom, guidance and faith, said U.S. President George W. Bush in... Read more


Protestant Journalist Claims John Paul Is 'His' Pope

Oct 16, 2003

The Lutheran religion editor of United Press International claims that John Paul II, who shared his faith and values around... Read more


Pro- Life League Creates Fund To Honor Pope John Paul

Oct 16, 2003

The American Life League, the largest pro-life educational organization in the United States, marked the pope's 25th anniversary by establishing... Read more


Gibson's 'Passion' a Hit on the Internet

Oct 13, 2003

Moviegoers are so eager to see Mel Gibson's movie about Jesus that they've been crashing Web sites in their search... Read more

Gibson’s Film Is Not Anti-Semitic, Says Jewish Filmmaker

Oct 12, 2003

A Jewish American screenwriter and filmmaker said Mel Gibson’s film, The Passion, is not anti-Semitic and “will not create a... Read more


Group Calls for Re-Legalization of Marriage

Oct 12, 2003

A group of legal scholars and gay advocacy groups want marriage to be de-legalized in order to make the distribution... Read more


University regrets that sculpture is offensive to Catholics

Oct 9, 2003

Washburn University said it regrets that Roman Catholics may have been offended by a sculpture that depicts a Catholic clergyman... Read more


New bishop expects lay people to continue their vital role in the Church

Oct 8, 2003

The new bishop of the Diocese of Toledo said he expects lay people to continue to have a vital role... Read more


Boston archbishop jumps into hot social debates

Oct 8, 2003

Just weeks after reaching an $85-million settlement with the alleged victims of Boston’s clergy sex-abuse scandal, Archbishop Sean P. O’Malley,... Read more


Church counts on families, Cardinal-designate Rigali tells faithful at farewell mass

Oct 6, 2003

Archbishop and cardinal-designate Justin Rigali arrived in Philadelphia today in anticipation of his installation as the new spiritual leader of... Read more


Santa Fe Church celebrated 150 years

Oct 6, 2003

The Archdiocese of Santa Fe’s 150th-anniversary celebrations Oct. 5 were marked by a spirit of prayer and a rich display... Read more