US News


USCCB official condemns law permitting embryonic research and cloning

Jan 6, 2004

The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops denounced a new law, signed by New Jersey Governor James McGreevey Jan. 4,... Read more


Audit says significant improvement in sex abuse cases, but more changes are needed

Jan 5, 2004

The results of the audit of the dioceses and eparchies of the United States, which was called for by the... Read more


Denver in full compliance, commended by national review officers

Jan 5, 2004

The Archdiocese of Denver announced today that audit-investigators found the archdiocese not only to be in full compliance with the Charter for... Read more


Philadelphia archdiocese to implement audit recommendations "immediately"

Jan 5, 2004

In a recently released pastoral letter, Cardinal Justin Rigali said the Archdiocese of Philadelphia “immediately initiated steps to fulfill the... Read more


First report on Church abuse to be released tomorrow

Jan 4, 2004

The first of two reports on the state of sexual abuse in the U.S. Church will be released in Washington... Read more


Rome Clarifies: OK to kneel after communion

Dec 22, 2003

The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops issued a statement indicating that it is acceptable to kneel after receiving Communion.... Read more


Judge orders Palm Beach to decide on Nativity scene before noon on Christmas Eve

Dec 22, 2003

A Federal Judge in Florida has ruled that the town of Palm Beach has until noon on Christmas Eve to... Read more


New diocese may be created in Virginia

Dec 22, 2003

A proposal to create a new diocese in eastern Virginia has the support of Cardinal William H. Keeler, the Richmond... Read more


Most Americans support ban on gay “marriage,” NYT reveals

Dec 21, 2003

The latest New York Times/CBS News poll has found widespread support for an amendment to the United States Constitution to... Read more


New bishop to unify Diocese of Phoenix

Dec 21, 2003

God’s love "forces us to face the scandal of child abuse squarely and to combat it with honesty and determination,"... Read more


Being called by Christ ‘entails great risk’: Bishop Olmstead

Dec 21, 2003

The lives of priests and bishops entail great risk for they are placed in the middle of the most important... Read more


EWTN expands to satellite radio

Dec 21, 2003

EWTN Global Catholic Network has signed agreements with SIRIUS Satellite Radio for the carriage of its 24-hour English and Spanish... Read more


Federal court approves Ohio's ban of partial-birth abortions, USCCB pleased

Dec 18, 2003

A federal court decision that upheld Ohio’s ban on partial-birth abortions was lauded by an official with the United States... Read more


Boston archbishop holds priest meeting for first time in 25 years

Dec 18, 2003

For the first time in about 25 years, a Boston archbishop met with all his diocesan priests this week. Archbishop... Read more


FDA ruling on morning-after pill is ‘reckless experiment’ on women: bishops

Dec 17, 2003

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) must reject a “reckless experiment” on women that will make the morning-after pill, otherwise... Read more


Massachusetts marriage ruling opens door for lesbian wedding cruise in July

Dec 17, 2003

While family groups are trying to find ways to overturn the landmark Massachusetts high-court decision allowing same-sex marriage, a lesbian-themed... Read more


Archbishop of Miami apologizes for 'the sins of a few,' in a letter to parishioners

Dec 17, 2003

The Archdiocese of Miami moved one step closer to reconciliation and came clean about alleged sexual abuse by clergy last... Read more


Catholic apologist regrets Cardinal Martino’s comments on Saddam

Dec 16, 2003

(By Deal Hudson) .- Deal Hudson, Catholic apologist and editor of  Crisis Magazine issued today an electronic newsletter criticizing Cardinal... Read more


Florida town sued for not allowing display of Christian Nativity

Dec 16, 2003

A lawsuit was filed against the Town of Palm Beach Dec. 15, after town officials refused to display the Christian... Read more


Scientific experts agree embryonic stem cells are unnecessary for medical progress

Dec 16, 2003

A new resource, compiled by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Prolife Committee, shows that international scientific experts agree that... Read more