US News


Scientists object to therapeutic cloning

Jan 19, 2004

There’s more than moral reason to object to therapeutic cloning, says the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops in the... Read more


Family groups oppose bill that will force five-year-olds to attend school

Jan 19, 2004

A new bill that will force five-year-olds to attend school will receive a hearing tomorrow in the state Legislature.  Read more


At “Reconciliation Concert” Pope calls monotheistic leaders to have courage for peace

Jan 18, 2004

At the end of a concert dedicated to reconciliation among Jews, Christians and Muslims held at the Paul VI Hall... Read more


One million Catholic families urged to take action to uphold traditional marriage

Jan 18, 2004

In anticipation of a vote in the state Legislature on a constitutional amendment regarding same-sex marriage Feb. 11, the state's... Read more


Archbishop aims call at some Catholic politicians

Jan 18, 2004

Catholic politicians who support abortion, assisted suicide or any other issues out-of-step with Church teachings on life issues should refrain... Read more


Cincinnati to have good showing at national March for Life

Jan 18, 2004

The Catholics of the archdiocese of Cincinnati will be well represented at the national March for Life Jan. 22 in... Read more


Gibson says won't be deterred from Passion of the Christ even though it might kill his career

Jan 15, 2004

In exclusive interview on EWTN Global Network, Mel Gibson said he thinks his latest movie, “The Passion of the Christ”,... Read more


Boston archdiocese to offer special training on how to reach out to victims of clergy sexual abuse

Jan 14, 2004

The Archdiocese of Boston will begin to offer special training to help parish priests effectively reach out to victims of... Read more


Gibson 'Passion' to open on 2,000 screens

Jan 14, 2004

Mel Gibson's film, "The Passion of Christ," will be released on almost 2,000 screens in the United States next month. Read more


Debaters gives up chance to win tournament based on faith and morals

Jan 14, 2004

A Christian college debate team gave up their chance to win a tournament based on their religious beliefs and principles.   Read more


Parishioners devastated by church vandalism, arson

Jan 13, 2004

A small parish of 300 families is still picking up the pieces after vandals tore up prayer books, knocked over... Read more


Fr. Groeschel in critical condition after Orlando car accident

Jan 13, 2004

Fr. Benedict Groeschel, author, television personality and founder of the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal, is in critical condition in... Read more


Archbishop O'Malley urges Catholic lawyers to oppose same-sex marriage

Jan 11, 2004

Archbishop Sean P. O'Malley urged lawyers to protect marriage and the family in the United States and oppose same-sex marriage... Read more

It’s official: Pro-abortion legislators can't receive Eucharist in Diocese of Lacrosse

Jan 8, 2004

In an unprecedented action, La Crosse Bishop Raymond L. Burke has issued a document clearly stating that Catholic legislators who... Read more


Poll reveals most Massachusetts voters want to vote on traditional marriage

Jan 8, 2004

According to a recent Zogby International poll, 69 percent of Massachusetts voters want to vote on a constitutional amendment to... Read more


New Auxiliary Bishop of Miami says sun will rise on Cuba

Jan 8, 2004

During his ceremony of ordination as Auxiliary Bishop of Miami, Bishop Felipe de Jesús Estévez, addressed his fellow Cubans and... Read more


Court to decide fate of anti-Catholic sculpture on university campus

Jan 7, 2004

A federal court is expected to decide next week whether a state-run university must remove an anti-Catholic sculpture from campus... Read more


Kid starts legal battle after being forbidden to hand out gifts with Christian message at school

Jan 7, 2004

A civil liberties organization has filed a federal civil rights lawsuit on behalf of an elementary school student and his... Read more


Foreign priests on the rise in U.S.

Jan 7, 2004

With the number of U.S.-born clergy dwindling, the United States has become mission territory again for an increasing number of... Read more


Full Audit on Dallas Charter is available to public on USCCB site

Jan 6, 2004

The more than 300-pages long  Audit on the Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People have been made... Read more