US News


Bush pushes marriage plan on campaign trail in Ohio

Jun 21, 2004

President George W. Bush promoted his Healthy Marriage Initiative yesterday while on his campaign fundraising trail through Ohio. The $1.5-billion... Read more


Some upset that Planned Parenthood to benefit from Sidewinders game

Jun 21, 2004

A fundraising event tomorrow for Planned Parenthood has got a Christian radio show host riled up. Every year, the Pima... Read more


Pope’s preacher speaks at Franciscan university

Jun 21, 2004

 One of the Pope’s preachers travelled to the Franciscan University of Steubenville to speak before 1,300 people during a recent... Read more


Texas Newspaper releases report about international cases of priestly sexual misconduct

Jun 20, 2004

Roman Catholic priests were transferred from countries where they have been accused of abusing children even after the abuse scandal... Read more


Former Boston mayor urges Catholics to become more active in politics

Jun 20, 2004

The former U.S. ambassador to the Vatican launched a voter-education campaign Saturday, backed by Boston Archbishop Sean O'Malley, reported the... Read more


Catholic U. and NAACP reach no agreement over chapter

Jun 17, 2004

There was no agreement between leaders of Catholic University of America and the National Association for the Advancement of Colored... Read more


Same-sex marriage may be grounds for firing in Massachusetts Church

Jun 17, 2004

The Catholic Church in Massachusetts has discussed firing homosexual employees who marry their same-sex partners, said Daniel Avila of the... Read more


US Bishops to vote on Communion and pro-abortion politicians today

Jun 17, 2004

As the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) is winding up their spring meeting in Denver, a statement on... Read more


Catholic League blamed for silencing of Kerry’s religious adviser, Donohue responds

Jun 17, 2004

Washington Times reporter Julia Duin wrote that Mara Vanderslice, the Kerry campaign’s director of religious outreach, is no longer permitted... Read more


U.S. Bishops issue statement on “Catholics in political life”

Jun 17, 2004

The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) approved on Friday a statement highlighting that Catholics public officials who dissent... Read more

New documentary stacks deck against the Catholic Church, say U.S. bishops

Jun 16, 2004

A review of a new documentary on chastity states that the film is “unbalanced,” “full of unsubstantiated, anecdotal assertions” and... Read more


Massachusetts Catholics urged to express discontent with elected officials

Jun 16, 2004

The Massachusetts Catholic Conference sent letters to the state’s 710 parishes, urging Catholics to “share their profound disappointment” with lawmakers... Read more


Diocese of Tucson considers bankruptcy protection

Jun 16, 2004

The Diocese of Tucson is considering plans to file for bankruptcy protection as a way to resolve pending lawsuits alleging... Read more


U.S. bishops approve national on-site audit at spring retreat

Jun 15, 2004

At their spring meeting yesterday, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops voted 207-14 in favor of a national on-site... Read more


One step closer to a vote on U.S. Federal Marriage Amendment

Jun 15, 2004

The Senate Republican leadership is aiming for a mid-July vote on the Federal Marriage Amendment – a constitutional amendment that... Read more


Medical association’s support for greater access to morning-after pill ‘appalling’, says USCCB official

Jun 15, 2004

An official with the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops said the recommendation of the American Medical Association to make the... Read more


Bush rejects calls on stem-cell research

Jun 14, 2004

President George W. Bush rejected calls yesterday from Ronald Reagan's family and others to relax restrictions on stem-cell research in... Read more

Communion at the center of Bishops’ meeting

Jun 14, 2004

While US Bishops were getting ready to discuss this afternoon at the Inverness hotel in Denver a common stand on... Read more


Pro-abortion Catholics and Communion on U.S. bishops’ agenda

Jun 13, 2004

The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops will meet in Denver today to begin its semi-annual retreat, during which a... Read more


Episcopal Diocese of Albany votes to join group opposing homosexual priests

Jun 13, 2004

The Episcopal Diocese of Albany has voted to join the Anglican Communion Network, which opposes the ordination of homosexual priests,... Read more