US News


Center for Religious Freedom asks African Union to press Eritrea for the release of Christians

Jul 7, 2004

Freedom House’s Center for Religious Freedom called yesterday upon African Union leaders currently meeting in Addis Ababa to press the... Read more


U.S. bishops urge Senate to protect child victims of human trafficking

Jul 7, 2004

The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops has called on the Senate to protect children, exploited by human trafficking in the... Read more


Archbishop Chaput to speak on Catholics and politics on public radio

Jul 7, 2004

Colorado Public Radio will feature an in-depth interview with Archbishop Charles Chaput of Denver about the Catholic Church and politics. Read more


Pro-abortion politicians must refrain from receiving communion, says Bishop of Winona

Jul 7, 2004

Bishop Bernard Harrington of Winona (Minnesota) wrote in his weekly column that anyone supporting abortion rights should not approach the... Read more


Portland Archdiocese files for bankruptcy

Jul 6, 2004

The Archdiocese of Portland has filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy.  Archbishop John G. Vlazny made the announcement yesterday, citing the... Read more


Catholic Charities mobilizes to save low-income housing program

Jul 6, 2004

Catholic Charities agencies across the United States are mobilizing to defeat the Bush Administration's proposal that would restructure and gut... Read more


National Right to Life regrets strong pro-abortion record of Kerry's running mate

Jul 6, 2004

The National Right to Life Committee released yesterday a statement lamenting that "with John Edwards, Kerry has selected a running... Read more


American Life League speaks out against Senate’s opposition to Catholic judge nomination

Jul 6, 2004

The nation's largest pro-life grassroots organization is outraged by members of the United States Senate in their attempts to block... Read more


Two sexual abuse cases likely to be heard in Portland today

Jul 5, 2004

Barring an out-of-court settlement, two cases on the alleged sexual abuse of children by a Portland priest are scheduled to... Read more


Teens urged to join 'Catholic revolution' at Steubenville

Jul 5, 2004

More than 2,100 teens from 13 states and Canada were encouraged to "rise up and join a Catholic revolution" at... Read more


Jesuits' world leader to visit Alabama

Jul 5, 2004

The Jesuits’ congregational leader will visit Alabama this fall to help mark the 175th anniversary of Spring Hill College and... Read more


Kerry on his Catholicism again: says he "hates abortion" but won't impose his view on others

Jul 4, 2004

A newspaper in Iowa revealed yesterday that Presidential Candidate John F. Kerry hates abortion and believes that life begins at... Read more


Group mobilizes Catholics, organizes petition to support marriage amendment

Jul 4, 2004

Catholics in the United States have organized a petition in support of the Federal Marriage Amendment, on which the Senate... Read more


Catholic League challenges U.S. senators to vote for Catholic judge

Jul 4, 2004

The Catholic League is calling on U.S. senators to demonstrate that they do not hold an anti-Catholic bias in rejecting... Read more


Church groups can include message on home version of Gibson film

Jul 4, 2004

This year’s most talked about movie, “The Passion of The Christ”, will make its highly anticipated debut on DVD and... Read more


Knights urged to ‘make crucial difference’ in Federal Marriage Amendment

Jul 1, 2004

The 1.5 million U.S. members of the Knights of Columbus are urged to “make the crucial difference” in the debate... Read more


Cleveland bishop will not deny Communion to pro-abortion Catholic politicians

Jul 1, 2004

In a long statement to the faithful of his diocese, Bishop Anthony M. Pilla of Cleveland announced that he would... Read more


Archdiocese of Los Angeles to challenge California law on abuse victims

Jul 1, 2004

The Archdiocese of Los Angeles plans to petition a federal judge and request to join a constitutional challenge to a... Read more


Seminary in San Antonio to launch expansion campaign

Jul 1, 2004

A seminary in the American Southwest, which is in the midst of an expansion campaign, has welcomed a new leader. ... Read more

Expert explains disturbing logic of beheadings by Muslim extremists

Jun 30, 2004

The recent beheading of American Paul Johnson in Saudi Arabia by Muslim extremists is not simply an attack against Americans... Read more