US News


Catholic League connects ideology supporting Terri's death with Nazism

Mar 28, 2005

While Terri Schiavo struggles in her last days of life in a Florida hospice, some commentators in the press have... Read more


Fargo Bishop says Jesus' words 'I thirst' echo struggle to save Terri Schiavo

Mar 28, 2005

As the Christian world focused its attention on the passion and crucifixion of Christ on Good Friday, Bishop Samuel Aquila... Read more


3000 expected for Life Teen anniversary

Mar 28, 2005

On Memorial Day weekend this year, nearly 3000 teens and supporters will gather in Anaheim, California to celebrate the twentieth... Read more


Catholic teachers honored in Chicago with cash award

Mar 28, 2005

The staff of a Catholic grade school were recognized for excellence in teaching with the 2005 Cardinal’s Award for Teacher... Read more


Terri finally receives last rites and Communion, supporters to bring fight to DC

Mar 27, 2005

Terri Schiavo was given last rites and Easter communion after an initial opposition from her stranded  husband Michael, while supporters... Read more


New South Dakota law acknowledges that abortion ends a ‘whole, unique human life’

Mar 27, 2005

Last week, South Dakota lawmakers created a roadblock for the abortion industry. A new state law now requires women seeking... Read more


Terri denied communion, Family ends battle in courts

Mar 26, 2005

In the most dramatic turn in the fight for Terri Schiavo's life, her parents asked supporters to return home to... Read more


Schiavo plea again rejected by judge; but family not giving up

Mar 25, 2005

Florida Judge George Greer has once again rejected a plea by the parents of brain-damaged Terri Schiavo, to keep the... Read more


Terri supporters to leave roses at Michael Schiavo's home

Mar 25, 2005

On Easter Sunday, March 27, supporters of Terri Schiavo will leave roses in front of Michael Schiavo's home.   Read more


Over 150,000 Americans to become Catholic this Easter

Mar 24, 2005

One year before, she would have kept walking. But last fall, when 22-year old Dixie Ross saw the table advertising... Read more


Pope's suffering teaches 'message of the cross,' says papal biographer

Mar 24, 2005

In the twilight of his pontificate, marked by suffering and physical weakness, Pope John Paul II is challenging the world... Read more


Pro-life groups, Christian community banding together for Schiavo

Mar 24, 2005

Since last Friday, brain damaged Terri Schiavo has been without food and water following a court order at the request... Read more


Supreme Court denies Schiavo appeal to reinsert feeding tube, but fight continues in Florida

Mar 23, 2005

The Supreme Court this morning rejected an appeal on the part of the parents of brain damaged Terri Schiavo to... Read more

Judge won't hear new arguments for Schiavo; pro-life groups begging Gov. Bush to act

Mar 23, 2005

As options slowly deplete for the family of brain-damaged Terri Schiavo, a Florida state judge has now denied a request... Read more


Atlanta Court denies reinsertion of Schiavo feeding tube; pro-life groups continue fight

Mar 22, 2005

In the latest blow to the parents of brain-damaged Terri Schiavo, the 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Atlanta... Read more


Archbishop Chaput calls Schiavo’s starvation an ‘attack on the sanctity of human life’

Mar 22, 2005

Yesterday, in the wake of Florida Federal Judge James Whittemore’s decision not to reinsert brain-damaged Terri Schiavo’s feeding tube, which... Read more


Poll finds American’s morals increasingly influenced by the Pope

Mar 22, 2005

A poll conducted by ABC News recently found that more American Catholics see their moral views influenced by Pope John... Read more


Bishops support Fr. Pavone’s idea to found new pro-life religious community

Mar 22, 2005

The pro-life movement will soon have a new ally. Today, Fr. Frank Pavone, head of the group, Priests for Life... Read more


Catholic singles gather to discuss chastity

Mar 22, 2005

A comprehensive program at St. Anne’s Church helps single Catholics live chastity and offers services that promote life.  Read more

Terri's life may be in Gobernor Bush's hands

Mar 22, 2005

A second U.S. court of appeals today denied the replacement of brain-damaged Terri Schiavo's feeding tube. The latest decision comes... Read more