US News


Archbishop Chaput to serve on international anti-Semitism panel

Jun 1, 2005

Denver Archbishop Charles Chaput is among nine delegates, including New York Governor George Pataki, who have been asked to travel... Read more


Religious community blends art and devotion through creation of liturgical ornaments

Jun 1, 2005

The Fraternas, a religious community of women living in Denver, spend their days like many other religious sisters—they pray, share... Read more


US oldest bishop greets election of Pope Benedict as good for the future

May 31, 2005

Bishop Aloysius Wycislo is turning 97 on June 17, and from his perspective as the oldest bishop in the United... Read more


Supreme Court upholds inmates’ religious liberty rights

May 31, 2005

In a unanimous decision yesterday, the United States Supreme Court upheld the religious liberty rights of prisoners.   Read more


Denver Archbishop remembers slain officer, condemns scapegoating illegal immigrants

May 31, 2005

In a commentary in Denver’s Rocky Mountain News, Archbishop Charles Chaput decried the actions of those who, as he sees... Read more


Bishop enforces appropriate liturgical practice in diocese

May 30, 2005

One year after his began in the Diocese of Richmond, Bishop Francis DiLorenzo has already set up a commission to... Read more


Catholic Press Association votes for “no statement” on Fr. Reese resignation

May 30, 2005

Members of the Catholic Press Association (CPA), gathered in Florida last week, voted against making a formal statement regarding the... Read more


Communion service at Boston church does not replace Mass

May 30, 2005

Parishioners at St. Jeremiah’s church in the Archdiocese of Boston are trying to determine whether their weekly Communion service meets... Read more


School officials allow high school valedictorian to mention Jesus

May 30, 2005

Wisconsin school officials reconsidered a previous decision and allowed one high school valedictorian to speak about Jesus in her recent... Read more

Bumper stickers part of grassroots campaign to protect marriage

May 29, 2005

Pro-family voters can now voice their belief that marriage is the exclusive union of one man and one woman with... Read more


Man with MS urges Bush to veto embryonic stem-cell bill

May 29, 2005

A man in an advanced stage of Multiple Sclerosis wrote a letter to President George W. Bush, urging him to... Read more


Archdiocese of Chicago cuts back on staff

May 29, 2005

For the first time in 14 years, the Archdiocese of Chicago is laying off workers at its diocesan pastoral center... Read more


Largest group ordained in St. Paul in years

May 29, 2005

Archbishop Harry Flynn of St. Paul and Minneapolis on Saturday ordained the largest number of priests in years. Read more


International apostolate goes on-line

May 29, 2005

The international lay apostolate, Christian Life Movement (CLM), has announced the launch of a new website, which the group hopes... Read more

Archbishop Foley: Catholic editor should have represented Church teaching

May 26, 2005

Speaking to a joint meeting of Catholic communicators in Florida this week, Archbishop John Foley, president of the Pontifical Council... Read more


USCCB commends ban on abortions at military hospitals overseas

May 26, 2005

The House of Representatives rejected a measure to allow elective abortions in military hospitals overseas by a vote of 233... Read more


Pro-abortion group confirms abortions decreased under Bush administration

May 26, 2005

The claim that abortions have increased under the presidency of George W. Bush is untrue and based on selective research... Read more


Bishop urges opposition to Delaware bill on embryonic stem-cell research

May 26, 2005

Catholics must voice their opposition to new state legislation that would fund embryonic stem-cell research, which involves the killing of... Read more


Court halts proceedings in abuse lawsuits

May 26, 2005

Judge R. Stanton Wettick Jr. halted proceedings in nearly three dozen sex-abuse lawsuits, filed against the Diocese of Pittsburgh, until... Read more


San Diego citizens to vote on future of cross landmark

May 26, 2005

San Diego residents will vote July 26 on whether the Mount Soledad War Memorial and the large cross that is... Read more