US News


Arizona governor not allowed to speak in Catholic Church; Bishop Olmsted will not allow a platform for anti-life

Aug 8, 2005

Arizona governor Janet Napolitano is one of the latest to be directly affected by a ban put in place by... Read more


Retreats, prayer groups, Theology on Tap: USCCB says Catholic Church has growing offerings for post-college young adults

Aug 8, 2005

A recent survey by the U.S. Bishop’s Subcommittee on Youth and Young Adults found that a growing number of activities... Read more


Pro-life groups: Planned Parenthood has gone too far with violent cartoon

Aug 8, 2005

Christians and pro-life advocates are expressing shock and outrage today over an eight minute promotional movie, produced by the San... Read more


Archbishop Levada prepares to leave for Rome amid prayers and few protesters

Aug 7, 2005

San Francisco's St. Mary's Cathedral was full to overflowing Sunday as  nearly 3,000 faithful gathered to say farewell to Archbishop... Read more


Cleveland Bishop honors fallen soldiers in Iraq during special Mass

Aug 7, 2005

Bishop Anthony M. Pilla, shepherd of the Catholic Church in northeast Ohio,  honored slain members of an Ohio-based batallion serving... Read more


Catholic-Jewish interfaith group rebukes Israel’s attack on Pope Benedict

Aug 7, 2005

Earlier this week, Gary Krupp, head of the Pave the Way Foundation, an organization seeking to improve relations between Catholics... Read more


USCCB urges Supreme Court to uphold parental notification law in New Hampshire

Aug 4, 2005

In a friend of the court brief, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) and the bishop of Manchester,... Read more


Knights say will never consider Roe v. Wade settled constitutional law

Aug 4, 2005

The largest international lay Catholic organization, the Knights of Columbus, has adopted two resolutions that affirm Roe v. Wade as... Read more


Ten U.S. bishops to give catechesis at WYD

Aug 4, 2005

Ten U.S. bishops have been scheduled to give catechetical sessions to young pilgrims at World Youth Day in Cologne in... Read more


Iraq’s draft constitution borders on sharia rule, debate needed, says expert

Aug 4, 2005

An open debate among Americans and Iraqis about Islamic sharia law is critically needed as Iraq prepares to finalize its... Read more


Lutheran church debates dropping ban on openly homosexual clergy

Aug 4, 2005

The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America is the latest Christian denomination to enter the debate over whether or not to... Read more


US bishops mark anniversary of atomic bombings, condemn ‘total war’

Aug 3, 2005

The 60th anniversary of the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki provides an opportunity to reflect on the lessons of the... Read more


Ohio woman battles to reform divorce laws; says many Catholics are slighted in proceedings

Aug 3, 2005

An Ohio woman filed an appeal this week with a local divorce court in the latest phase of what she... Read more


Catholic League claims Philadelphia DA ripped off Church and taxpayers

Aug 3, 2005

The grand jury investigation into charges of sexual abuse by priests in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia over the last few... Read more


Misrepresentation in press leads Vatican official to clarify position on vaccines

Aug 3, 2005

Msgr. Jacques Suaudeau of the Pontifical Academy for the Family has clarified the content in the recent Vatican statement on... Read more


Judges rule civil suits against Planned Parenthood can proceed

Aug 3, 2005

Two separate Los Angeles Superior Court judges have ruled that the Pro-Family Law Center of Southern California may proceed with... Read more


Debate over massive cross continues in San Diego

Aug 3, 2005

A massive cross overlooking the city of San Diego is at the center of heated debate which covers issues ranging... Read more


US has new Vatican ambassador

Aug 2, 2005

President George Bush has nominated Florida businessman Laurence Francis Rooney to be the new ambassador to the Vatican, replacing Jim... Read more


US youth join in social action projects before WYD

Aug 2, 2005

More than 2,700 American youth, representing 125 college, diocesan and parish groups, will roll up their sleeves and dedicate one... Read more


Parental rights overwhelmingly supported in California

Aug 2, 2005

After a recent poll indicated that 85 percent of Scotts Valley residents support parental rights in education, the Capitol Resource... Read more