US News


Judge rules that Episcopal Diocese cannot confiscate property from gay-ordination dissenting parish

Aug 16, 2005

A California judge has ruled that an Episcopal parish who wants to disassociate itself from the L.A. diocese over the... Read more


Cardinal Newman Society calls for removal of ‘pro-choice’ Catholic college professors

Aug 16, 2005

The Cardinal Newman Society, a Catholic watchdog group, is calling for the removal of 18 academics who they say, “perpetuate... Read more


Women’s group blasts Glamour Magazine for denying breast cancer-abortion link

Aug 16, 2005

The Coalition on Abortion/Breast Cancer blasted the magazine Glamour yesterday for an article which denies the scientific link between abortion... Read more


San Antonio Archbishop makes list of 25 most influential U.S. Hispanics

Aug 15, 2005

In its latest issue, Time Magazine has honored San Antonio’s Archbishop Jose Gomez as one of the 25 most influential... Read more


‘Ministers of Annoyance’ spark fight at Ohio pilgrimage site

Aug 15, 2005

Harassment from a fundamentalist group calling themselves the “Ministry of Annoyance” caused some faithful visiting an Ohio Marian shrine for... Read more


Youth organization hopes bracelets will encourage solidarity with new pope

Aug 15, 2005

Following the example of the tremendously popular Lance Armstrong “live strong” bracelets, a Connecticut youth organization has created a new... Read more


San Francisco mayor, faithful, bid Archbishop Levada farewell

Aug 14, 2005

Nearly 2,300 well-wishers turned out Saturday night to bid farewell to San Francisco Archbishop William Levada as he heads to... Read more


24,000 U.S. youth among those flooding Germany for World Youth Day

Aug 14, 2005

This week, some 600 young people from Denver, Colorado will complete the overseas trek to join an estimated 800,000 youth... Read more


Catholic League president calls for constitutional restructuring of Supreme Court; end to ‘judicial tyranny’

Aug 14, 2005

William Donahue, president of the New York-based Catholic League for religious and civil liberties is calling for a restructuring of... Read more


Mass. State Senate seeks to regulate church funds; many decry as violation of church and state

Aug 11, 2005

Massachusetts State Senator Marian Walsh is leading a charge demanding that religious organizations publicly disclose their financial books to the... Read more


Pro-gay marriage church shown the door in Archdiocese of New Orleans

Aug 11, 2005

The Archdiocese of New Orleans has decided to terminate the lease on space being used by a local church which... Read more


St. Patrick’s Cathedral rector resigns

Aug 11, 2005

Monsignor Eugene Clark, who has been rector of New York’s historic St. Patrick’s Cathedral since 2001, submitted his resignation Thursday,... Read more


Youth ministry expert says teens are on the front lines of the culture wars

Aug 11, 2005

Bob Rice knows teens. The long time youth minister and professor at Franciscan University of Steubenville has been on the... Read more


Activist walks from New Haven to NYC in effort to inspire priests

Aug 11, 2005

Edward Thomas Coll, who recently completed a 5,000 mile walk around the northeastern U.S., calling for an increase in vocations... Read more


Jewish author defends Pope Pius XII in new book

Aug 10, 2005

While many recent years have sought to align Pope Pius XII and in fact, the Catholic Church as a whole,... Read more


USCCB expresses support for Darfur Accountability Act; calls for an end to the violence

Aug 10, 2005

In a letter to congress yesterday. the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops voiced its support for the Darfur Peace and... Read more

Archbishop O’Malley challenges Catholics to courageously live out faith

Aug 10, 2005

Speaking to a crowd of nearly 1,200 gathered at Franciscan University of Steubenville’s ‘Defending the Faith Conference’, Boston Archbishop Sean... Read more


Catholic Clergy group recommits to orthodox preaching of the Gospel, defense of human life

Aug 9, 2005

Last week at their 30th annual convocation, the Confraternity of Catholic Clergy--a group of priests and deacons dedicated to the... Read more


Chicago Eucharistic procession draws nearly 10,000

Aug 9, 2005

Archdiocesan officials estimate that nearly 10,000 people, bearing colorful banners and donning t-shirts emblazoned with pro-life phrases, were present in... Read more


Catholic League blasts Cuomo for calling Roberts a “Vatican Robot”

Aug 8, 2005

In a statement released yesterday, William Donahue of the New York-based Catholic League for religious and civil rights, slammed New... Read more