US News


Lure of service to Church too great to deny, says seminarian

Sep 6, 2005

Nathan March is part of the largest class of seminarians in the Maine since 1995. He and four others expect... Read more


Houston archbishop holds special mass for hurricane survivors

Sep 5, 2005

Archbishop Joseph Fiorenza issued a message of hope to hurricane survivors Sunday at a special mass and a service, urging... Read more


In the spirit of St. Benedict, small Kansas college opens doors to displaced Katrina students

Sep 5, 2005

The ancient Rule of St. Benedict stresses the idea of hospitality and charges its communities with the task of welcoming... Read more


In aftermath of Katrina, Faithful try to find meaning in the wake of disaster

Sep 5, 2005

Amid the ruin and devastation left by Hurricane Katrina, faith still abounds and faith communities work to offer comfort and... Read more


Bush nominates Catholic Roberts to succeed Rehnquist as Chief Justice

Sep 4, 2005

In a move some watchers had been anticipating, and many pro-life groups had been hoping for, President George Bush this... Read more


Pro-lifers mourn death of Chief Justice Rehnquist, ponder two open Supreme Court seats

Sep 4, 2005

In the wake of the death of Chief Supreme Court Justice William R. Rehnquist at his Virginia home Saturday night,... Read more


Catholic children donate to help children in hurricane-stricken region

Sep 4, 2005

Catholic students will have the opportunity to help children in the hurricane-stricken region through Child to Child: A Catholic Campaign... Read more


Massive reconstruction of diocesan infrastructure needed in Katrina’s wake

Sep 4, 2005

Dioceses in the Gulf Coast have faced unparalleled devastation from Hurricane Katrina and will need massive reconstruction, costing hundreds of... Read more


Decision by Spokane judge will not affect settlements in Seattle, says archbishop

Sep 4, 2005

Last week’s decision by a federal bankruptcy judge in Spokane — that parish assets could be liquidated to pay victims... Read more


Catholic League warns against continued portrayal of Roberts as ‘religious extremist’

Sep 4, 2005

As the ongoing scrutiny of Supreme Court nominee Judge John Roberts continues, Catholic League president William Donahue said critics will... Read more

US Bishops issue call to help poorest dioceses affected by Katrina

Sep 1, 2005

On Thursday, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops issued a special call for Catholic faithful to help the poorest dioceses... Read more


Catholic Church responds massively to Katrina refugees

Sep 1, 2005

The response from Catholic dioceses, communities and organizations to the devastation left behind by Hurricane Katrina in the Gulf Coast... Read more


Family groups horrified as California senate seeks to redefine ‘marriage’

Sep 1, 2005

Pro-family groups are expressing horror and outrage today after the California State Senate passed 21-15, a measure which could redefine... Read more


Back to school: Magisterium-friendly Catholic Colleges see largest enrollment ever

Sep 1, 2005

Most people have never heard of Front Royal, Virginia or Steubenville, Ohio, but for throngs of faithful Catholics, these places... Read more


Pro-life group criticizes Planned Parenthood for hurricane ‘publicity stunt’

Sep 1, 2005

Jim Sedlak, president of American Life League’s STOPP International group, heavily criticized Planned Parenthood this week for what he sees... Read more


USCCB to publish Compendium of the Catechism

Sep 1, 2005

The publishing office of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) is set to publish the English-language version of... Read more


Four priests seek canonical trials in sex abuse cases

Sep 1, 2005

Four priests from the Diocese of Albany are denying allegations that they molested minors and have requested canonical trials to... Read more


New Orleans Archbishop Hughes survives Katrina; continues to minister to fellow refugees

Aug 31, 2005

Armed with only two changes of clothes, New Orleans Archbishop Alfred Hughes--along with hundreds of thousands of refugees, most likely... Read more


California bishops urge Catholics to support parental notification

Aug 31, 2005

The California bishops are urging Catholics in the state to vote in favor of a proposed law that would require... Read more


Scalia says courts should not rule on moral issues

Aug 31, 2005

Moral issues not addressed in the Constitution, such as abortion, gay rights and the death penalty, should be debated and... Read more