US News


Religion-media expert says for some evolution debate journalists, fairness does not apply

Sep 12, 2005

In the ongoing debate over intelligent design and evolution (in its many forms), a new article in the Columbia Journalism... Read more


Confirmation hearings for Catholic Roberts set to begin today, National Right to Life claims bias from some Senators

Sep 11, 2005

All eyes, especially those on both sides of the abortion and life-issues debate, will be on the Senate confirmation hearings,... Read more


St. John Vianney Seminary boasts highest enrolment in 20 years

Sep 11, 2005

St. John Vianney College Seminary in St. Paul, Minnesota, has recorded its highest enrolment in 20 years. Located on the... Read more


Catholic college withdraws invitation to Planned Parenthood citing Church teaching

Sep 11, 2005

A Catholic college in Montana withdrew an invitation to Planned Parenthood on attending a symposium on life issues last week.... Read more


Catholic Charities USA launches nationwide housing program for Katrina evacuees

Sep 8, 2005

All Catholic Charities agencies, located across the country, have joined forces to launch Operation Home Away from Home, a program... Read more


Bishops, policymakers focus on moral implications of trade agreements

Sep 8, 2005

An international conference on the moral implications of trade agreements came to a close yesterday. The two-day meeting, led by... Read more


White House declares National Day of Prayer for hurricane victims; Church groups applaud

Sep 8, 2005

As the world continues to watch the horrible aftermath of Hurricane Katrina--which devastated the U.S. Gulf Coast--unfold, President George Bush... Read more


Pro-family groups applaud Schwarzenegger for impending same-sex marriage veto

Sep 8, 2005

Yesterday, the office of California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger announced that he would veto a bill legalizing same sex marriage, saying... Read more


New Montana parish could be first in world named after John Paul II

Sep 8, 2005

On Sunday, parishioners in the tiny Montana town of Big Fork, will add something substantial to the worldwide Church. They... Read more


New church fits growing congregation

Sep 8, 2005

The Catholic faith community of St. Isidore Parish in rural but still-developing Milford Township, Pennsylvania, are enjoying their new and... Read more


New vocations video available this fall

Sep 8, 2005

Parishes, youth ministers, vocations directors and faith communities will soon have a new vocations-awareness and promotion tool at their fingertips.... Read more


Spokane diocese, parishes appeal federal court decision

Sep 7, 2005

The Diocese of Spokane and the diocesan Association of Parishes (AOP) have filed separate appeals of a federal bankruptcy court... Read more


Church obtains temporary restraining order against protesting attorney

Sep 7, 2005

The Holy Cross Roman Catholic church in Albany N.Y has obtained a temporary restraining order against an attorney who it... Read more


Schwarzenegger to veto same-sex marriage bill

Sep 7, 2005

Many pro-family groups let out a collective sigh of relief today as the office of California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger announced... Read more


Archbishop Chaput: Katrina shows us fragileness of human life; true meaning of Christian discipleship

Sep 7, 2005

Reflecting on the days following Hurricane Katrina, which ravaged the U.S. Gulf Coast last week, Archbishop Charles Chaput of Denver... Read more


Vatican asks Cardinal McCarrick’s to postpone retirement

Sep 6, 2005

In a gathering with priests of the Archdiocese of Washington DC, Cardinal Theodore McCarrick announced that Pope Benedict XVI has... Read more


California legislature passes same-sex marriage bill; family groups outraged

Sep 6, 2005

Last evening, the California state legislature became the first legislative body in the U.S. to approve a bill allowing for... Read more


Gallup poll shows Americans overwhelmingly interested in Robert’s abortion stance; Fr. Pavone ‘not surprised’

Sep 6, 2005

A recent Gallup poll showed that Americans are more interested in Supreme Court Chief Justice nominee John Robert’s stance on... Read more


Tucson parishes to be incorporated by April

Sep 6, 2005

The Diocese of Tucson plans to incorporate its 74 parishes and missions as independent nonprofit corporations by April. Read more


Religious men and women dispersed throughout southern US after Katrina

Sep 6, 2005

Religious communities of consecrated men and women have had to leave their missions in the Gulf Coast region and move... Read more