US News


New York to launch major reorganization of archdiocese

Oct 18, 2005

Important demographic shifts that include growth and expansion in New York and surrounding area have pushed the Archdiocese of New... Read more


Pursue immigration reforms that respect human dignity, US bishop urges

Oct 18, 2005

Congress should pursue comprehensive immigration reform legislation that respects human rights and dignity and reject cuts in legal immigration and... Read more


New study reveals spiritual effects of divorce on children

Oct 17, 2005

A new book, Between Two Worlds: The Inner Lives of Children of Divorce, chronicles a three year study which found,... Read more


International Federation of Catholic Universities to meet in Connecticut

Oct 17, 2005

Sacred Heart University will host Catholic university leaders and scholars for an international four-day conference, Oct. 20-23. It will mark... Read more


American Life League urges bishops to rebuke pro-abortion Catholic politicians

Oct 17, 2005

The American Life League is urging all United States bishops to publicly challenge and rebuke politicians who claim to be... Read more


Priest-ethicist supports new technique to access embryonic stem cells

Oct 17, 2005

A new and promising scientific technique may satisfy researchers who want embryonic stem cells without the moral dilemma of destroying... Read more


Catholic school principal cancels prom events, decrying a “a pursuit of vanity for vanity’s sake”

Oct 17, 2005

A Catholic school principal, Brother Kenneth M. Hoagland decided to cancel the spring prom, because of the abuses and decadence... Read more


How to be a Muslim 101? Thomas More Law Center cites double standard

Oct 17, 2005

The Ann Arbor, Michigan based, Thomas More Law Center is challenging a California public school district which they say indoctrinated... Read more


Catholic music finds home at popular website

Oct 17, 2005

Catholic Music Network (CMN),, is celebrating its fifth year as the premier online source for music by today’s top... Read more


Catholic Charities opposes cuts to social services to favor hurricane recovery

Oct 16, 2005

Catholic Charities USA is strongly urging members of Congress not to cut crucial social service and anti-poverty programs in order... Read more


Vatican to UN: still much to do for advancement of women

Oct 16, 2005

Despite some positive advancement in the condition of women, they remain vulnerable to poverty and violence, and much still needs... Read more


Laws must ensure broadcasters serve public interest, says US bishop

Oct 16, 2005

Broadcasters should be accountable to the public and allow local and religious programming in exchange for their free use of... Read more


Vatican pushes for end to ‘info-poverty’ at UN

Oct 13, 2005

The Vatican recognizes that all people have a right to information and communication, which is vital in the life of... Read more


New York State Catholics begin campaign for school tax credits

Oct 13, 2005

Dioceses in New York State have launched a massive postcard campaign in favor of tax credits for religious- and private-school... Read more


Approaching Eucharist without conversion is ‘crisis of love’, says Bishop Aquila

Oct 13, 2005

Catholics must examine their "lackadaisical" approach to the Eucharist, and recognize that in the mass "we share in the feast... Read more


Giving back: Former Notre Dame football coach wants to inspire Catholics with beauty of faith

Oct 13, 2005

From 1981 to 1985, Coach Gerry Faust led one of the most fabled teams in college football through one of... Read more


Sen. Santorum talks about family values in new book

Oct 13, 2005

In an video interview, Senator Rick Santorum of Pennsylvania, affirmed that the single most-destructive force facing our nation today is... Read more


New Vocations Program Encourages Renewed Priests to be 'Fishers of Men'

Oct 13, 2005

The United States Catholic Bishops Conference is launching  today a new program to renew priests' sense of vocational fulfillment and... Read more


Federal Judge rules Holy See is sovereign state, lawsuit unlikely

Oct 12, 2005

As three men, claiming that the Vatican covered up priestly sexual abuse, continue to push a lawsuit against the head... Read more


National Right to Life confident in Bush’s Supreme Court pick

Oct 12, 2005

As religious and pro-life groups continue to grapple with small bits of information from which to form an opinion about... Read more