US News

In New Book George Weigel wishes to ‘recapture the remarkable spiritual intensity of April 2005’

Nov 7, 2005

George Weigel, Catholic columnist and famous biographer of John Paul II, shared with CNA, on the papal transition, and the... Read more


Hope in the Gulf: Mississippi Bishop offers Mass in destroyed church

Nov 6, 2005

More than two months after Hurricanes Katrina and Rita rocked the U.S. Gulf Coast, faithful at St. Michael’s Catholic Church... Read more


Bishop sees fewer schools, move to downtown

Nov 6, 2005

A major reorganization plan in the Diocese of Grand Rapids will diocesan headquarters downtown, merge or close some Catholic schools,... Read more


Deanery begins talks about future look of Catholic schools

Nov 6, 2005

In the ongoing national dialogue on the future of Catholic schools, local leaders in the Dayton Deanery also gathered last... Read more


Catholic Medical Association announces new president

Nov 6, 2005

A Portland urologist and surgeon has been named the new president of the 1,000-member Catholic Medical Association (CMA).  Read more


Jesuit University says support to gay organizations is “the Catholic thing” to do

Nov 3, 2005

 An official from the Jesuit-run Santa Clara University in California told Catholic News Agency that hosting a two-day long conference,... Read more


Massachusetts’ church finance bill moves ahead

Nov 3, 2005

A bill that would force the Archdiocese of Boston and other religious groups to disclose its finances moved another step... Read more


Wisconsin Governor vetoes bill, Opening door to unlimited Human Cloning.

Nov 3, 2005

Wisconsin Governor vetoes AB 499, a Ban on All Human Cloning, yesterday afternoon. Governor Doyle took his red pen to... Read more


USCCB condemns anti-Israel comments

Nov 2, 2005

In a statement released this week, Bishop John H. Ricard, SSJ, chairman of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, condemned... Read more


Time has come for two states in the Holy Land, says Vatican official

Nov 2, 2005

Peace, security and the creation of two states in the Holy Land are long overdue, said the Vatican’s permanent observer... Read more

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Kudlow joins advisory board of Ave Maria Mutual Funds

Nov 2, 2005

By CNA Staff

A nationally respected economist has joined the Catholic Advisory Board of Ave Maria Mutual Funds. Read more


Catholic League defends Alito nomination against anti-Catholic views

Nov 2, 2005

Catholic League president William Donohue has jumped to the defense of Judge Samuel Alito, the latest nominee to the Supreme... Read more


Families urged to consider adoption this month

Nov 2, 2005

In honor of National Adoption Awareness Month, Catholic Charities USA is urging people to open up their homes and hearts... Read more


Alito confirmation would create first ever Catholic dominated Supreme Court

Nov 1, 2005

The nomination of Judge Samuel Alito for the U.S. Supreme Court shows how Catholics have gone from a mistrusted minority... Read more


Bishop launches heating subsidy program for needy families

Nov 1, 2005

The Diocese of Providence is starting a new program to help needy families pay their winter heating bills. Read more


Four Catholics to be honored for outstanding leadership

Nov 1, 2005

Four Catholic leaders will be recognized with the Outstanding Catholic Leadership Award this week. Read more


Archbishop: Pope will ‘prune’ institutions with weak Catholic identity

Nov 1, 2005

The Church, under the papacy of Benedict XVI, will likely refuse to support and maintain ties with institutions that have... Read more


New book chronicles Pope’s memories of John Paul II

Nov 1, 2005

Even 8 months after his death, the world is still abuzz about the legacy of Pope John Paul II. The... Read more


Women’s group commends congress on fetal pain issue

Nov 1, 2005

The Washington-based group, Concerned Women for America commended the U.S. Congress yesterday for their serious look at a hotly charged... Read more