US News


Attacks on journal editor raise questions about academic freedom and intelligent design

Nov 10, 2005

The editor of a small, scientific journal, loosely associated with the Smithsonian Institute, has come under tremendous fire recently, for... Read more


Archbishop thanks police for ‘doing God’s work’

Nov 10, 2005

Archbishop John Myers of Newark honored two police officers Thursday, who had been killed in the line of duty this... Read more


Church disclosure bill clears Massachusetts Senate

Nov 10, 2005

The Massachusetts Senate overwhelmingly approved a bill that would require religious organizations to disclose their financial records annually, like all... Read more


Cardinal asks Jews to forgive church's past anti-Semitism

Nov 10, 2005

There must be a continued effort to improve communication between Jews and Christians is needed, said Cardinal William Keeler Nov.... Read more


Chinese participate in historic symposium on social teachings of the Church

Nov 9, 2005

Analisis Digital, the news agency of the Archdiocese of Madrid, is reporting this week that an unprecedented symposium on the... Read more


Vatican official urges protection, defense of refugees

Nov 9, 2005

Speaking yesterday before the United Nation’s Third Committee, Archbishop Celestino Migliore, the Vatican’s permanent observer to the U.N., urged the... Read more


Catholic social conference highlights dangers of secularist society

Nov 9, 2005

Particularly highlighting the recent Terri Schiavo debacle, a recent conference held at Ohio’s Franciscan University of Steubenville, pointed to the... Read more


Catholic Charities gives $36M for hurricane assistance

Nov 9, 2005

The Catholic response to the people who survived Hurricanes Katrina and Rita in the southern United States continue. To date,... Read more


Two states decide on issue of same-sex marriage and gay rights

Nov 9, 2005

A majority of voters approved writing a constitutional ban on same-sex marriage in Texas Tuesday Read more


Reconciliation bill does not address needs of children, say bishops

Nov 9, 2005

As the House of Representatives takes up its budget reconciliation bill, the chairmen of the United States Conference of Catholic... Read more


Caritas pledges to continue work in North Korea

Nov 8, 2005

Caritas Internationalis, a confederation of 162 Catholic relief, development and social service agencies, has pledged to continue its relief and... Read more


U.S. releases list of countries that deny religious freedom

Nov 8, 2005

China and Vietnam have been renamed to the U.S. government’s list of countries designated as Countries of Particular Concern due... Read more


Bishop wrong in claiming Catholics are turning to Anglican Church, says Catholic League

Nov 8, 2005

Catholic League president Bill Donohue said the assessment made by Episcopalian Bishop Gene Robinson of New Hampshire this past weekend—that... Read more


Many Protestants discovering devotion to Mary

Nov 8, 2005

They’re praying the rosary, holding Bible studies which look at Mary as a model of Christian holiness, and wearing trendy... Read more


Evolution debate heats up nationwide, Kansas passes vote allowing mention of Intelligent Design in schools

Nov 8, 2005

Yesterday, the Kansas Board of Education passed a long-awaited vote which would allow Intelligent Design--the theory that the universe is... Read more


Catholic university launches center for faith in public life

Nov 8, 2005

Given the growing religious voice in public affairs and an anonymous $2-million donation, Fairfield University launched Monday its Center for... Read more


Bishop lauds reorganization of parishes

Nov 7, 2005

Bishop Richard Malone of Maine is pleased with the decision of his diocese to cluster parishes and involve more lay... Read more


Vatican exhibition 'a moment of grace'

Nov 7, 2005

A Vatican exhibit, featuring more than 300 artifacts and art objects on the history of the popes, from St. Peter... Read more


Phoenix celebrates ‘unity in diversity’

Nov 7, 2005

The Diocese of Phoenix will celebrate unity in diversity this weekend with its eighth annual multicultural mass Nov. 12.  Read more


Catholic students work to end scourge of human trafficking

Nov 7, 2005

Student’s at Ohio’s Franciscan University of Steubenville who had lobbied the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women last... Read more