US News


Issue of gay adoptions not as divisive as gay marriage

Mar 16, 2006

The Vatican’s recent reiteration of its position against Catholic organizations facilitating gay adoptions has raised more debate on the issue... Read more


Analyst says Catholic democrats ‘can’t have it both ways’

Mar 16, 2006

In light of the recently released, and much debated “Statement of Principles”, signed by a number of U.S. Catholic democratic... Read more


San Francisco mayor will not attend Levada’s installation in Rome

Mar 15, 2006

The San Francisco delegation to Archbishop William Levada’s elevation to the College of Cardinals in Rome will have one less... Read more


Catholic group puts faith element back into St. Patrick’s Day Parade

Mar 15, 2006

Their mission was to spread the Gospel, not just wear the green. A Catholic lay apostolate participated in their local... Read more


Campaign initiated to establish ‘Terri’s Day’

Mar 15, 2006

An initiative has been launched to establish March 31 as Terri’s Day, an annual national day of remembrance to honor... Read more


Illinois Catholic citizens group calls for homosexual activist who called Cardinal ‘bigot’ to be removed from anti-hate commission

Mar 15, 2006

The group, Catholic Citizens of Illinois, are calling on Governor Rod Blagojevich to remove homosexual activist Rick Garcia from the... Read more


New Orleans’ historic black church remains open despite parish merger

Mar 14, 2006

African American parishioners of St. Augustine’s Church in New Orleans are upset that their parish is slated to close today.... Read more


Schiavo's family publishes book about her final days

Mar 14, 2006

Terry Schiavo’s family has collaborated on a new book about the final weeks of her life. The 41-year-old severely disabled... Read more


South Park actor quits over religious intolerance

Mar 14, 2006

Isaac Hayes has resigned as the well-known voice of the Chef on SouthPark, citing as a reason the cartoon’s "inappropriate... Read more

It’s not Bishop Olmsted who’s denying autistic boy communion, says Diocese

Mar 14, 2006

Officials from the Diocese of Phoenix have responded to recent criticism over a local autistic boy who some claim is... Read more


Bishops oppose bill that would require hospitals to dispense morning-after pill

Mar 13, 2006

A bill that would require all hospitals in Connecticut, including Catholic hospitals, to provide emergency contraception to women who have... Read more


Lawsuit argues that fathers should not have to support ‘unwanted babies’

Mar 13, 2006

Two pro-life organizations have criticized a recent lawsuit filed bythe National Center for Men, which argues that fathers should be... Read more


Controversial Notre Dame priest accused of plagiarism…again

Mar 13, 2006

Just weeks after Father Richard McBrien, a controversial professor at the University of Notre Dame was essentially cleared by the... Read more


Prefect says Catholic agencies should not allow gay adoptions, San Francisco reconsiders policy

Mar 12, 2006

The prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith has said Catholic social service agencies should not place... Read more


USCCB Web site proves Da Vinci Code is ‘museum of errors’

Mar 12, 2006

The Da Vinci Code is “a museum of errors,” says Elizabeth Lev. The art history professor at Duquesne University’s Italian... Read more


U.S. Bishops respond to Catholic democrat statement: Human rights are an illusion if fundamental right to life is not protected

Mar 12, 2006

On Friday, the U.S Conference of Catholic Bishops responded to a controversial statement recently released by 55 Catholic members of... Read more


Catholic groups urge director to include disclaimer in Da Vinci film

Mar 9, 2006

Two Catholic organizations are urging director Ron Howard to include a disclaimer at the beginning of his soon-to-be-released film, based... Read more


US bishops seek to educate about Jesus prior to release of Da Vinci Code film

Mar 9, 2006

In an attempt to clear up any confusion about Jesus and Christianity that might emerge with the theatre release of... Read more


Catholics protest bill that would require hospitals to give morning-after pill

Mar 9, 2006

Catholics in Connecticut are protesting a bill that would require Catholic hospitals to provide the morning-after pill to rape victims.  Read more


Supreme Court refuses to hear appeal involving anti-Catholic statue

Mar 8, 2006

The U.S. Supreme Court refused to hear an appeal this week involving a constitutional challenge to an anti-Catholic statue. The... Read more