Middle East - Africa News


Bishop asks Catholics to visit Egypt to encourage “persecuted brethren”

Sep 7, 2004

The Coptic Catholic Bishop of Sohag in southern Egypt, Bishop Youssef Aboul-Kheir, is asking Catholics around the world to visit... Read more


Bishops of Sudan issue plea for international help to stop genocide

Sep 2, 2004

The Bishops of Sudan have asked the United Nations and the international community to pressure the government of Khartoum to... Read more


Military chaplains keep ‘U.S. military machine running,’ says press report

Aug 22, 2004

Alongside U.S. troops, on a battlefield of intense bombing and gunfire, stands one unarmed man – a military chaplain –... Read more


Pakistani bishops to present letter on family life in Asian bishops’ conference

Aug 16, 2004

The “Pastoral Letter on Family Life” published by the Pakistani bishops conference will be presented by Mgr. Lawrence John Saldanha,... Read more


Iraq’s Christians fleeing to Syria to escape violence

Aug 10, 2004

Iraqi Christians are fleeing to neighbouring Syria in search of refuge from violence and persecution meted out by Islamic militants,... Read more


Bishop blames massive attack against Iraqi Christians to ‘foreign fanatics’

Aug 1, 2004

Fourteen Iraqi Christians were believed dead last night at least 60 wounded in Baghdad and Mosul and after car bombs... Read more


Iraqi priest says dialogue between Turks and Iraqi Kurds are “a step towards peace”

Jun 24, 2004

Fr. Nizar Semaan, an Iraqi priest in Mosul, told the Vatican news agency Fides this week that meetings between Turkish... Read more


Cardinal Arinze urges dialogue, harmony among Christians and Muslims in Nigeria

Jun 21, 2004

Dialogue, respect, mutual acceptance and the promotion of development and justice are the best ways to create positive relations between... Read more


Cardinal Tauran to Muslims: “conflict must not prevent dialogue”

May 26, 2004

During his speech at the Conference on Muslim-Christian Dialogue, Cardinal Jean-Louis Tauran, former Vatican Secretary for Relations with States, said... Read more


Catholic student tortured to death in Pakistan for refusing to deny faith in Christ

May 10, 2004

Javed Anjum, a 19-year-old Catholic student from Quetta in Pakistan died from torture wounds inflicted by Muslim extremists in Faisalabad... Read more


Israeli press says Catholic Church will take custody of Upper Room

May 5, 2004

The Tel Aviv daily Maariv has published a report which, if confirmed, would signify a major milestone in the history... Read more


Catholic pilgrims launch Peace Marathon in the Holy Land

Apr 22, 2004

Fifteen Italian athletes will participate in the Jerusalem-to-Bethlehem Peace Marathon today with the aim of encouraging peace in the region... Read more


Cardinal Martino calls pulling of troops out of Iraq “imprudent”

Apr 20, 2004

In an interview with the Italian daily, “Corriere de la Sera,” just days after Spanish President Jose Luis Zapatero announced... Read more


Iraqi Catholics call on Arab Muslim countries to condemn terrorism

Apr 15, 2004

Fr. Nizar Semann, an Iraqi priest from the region of Mossul, told the Fides News Agency that the time has... Read more


Holy Land needs new leaders, says patriarch

Mar 29, 2004

Latin Patriarch Michel Sabbah said new Israeli and Palestinian leaders, bolder religious leaders and an end to suicide bombings are... Read more


Spanish soldiers in Iraq offer prayers for terrorist victims in Madrid

Mar 15, 2004

Hundreds of Spanish soldiers stationed in Iraq attended Mass Sunday and offered prayers for the victims of last week’s terrorist... Read more


Rebels killed archbishop, says government report

Mar 2, 2004

Burundian rebels assassinated Archbishop Michael Courtney Dec. 29 since his car was flying the Vatican flag, states a recent draft... Read more


Persecuted bishop asks for international help so that Sudanese can decide their own future

Jan 28, 2004

One of the symbols of religious persecution in Sudan, Bishop Macram Max Gassis of Obeid, is calling on the international... Read more


Catholic organization among the most efficient in responding to earthquake survivors in Iran

Jan 6, 2004

Despite working in a majority Muslim country, Catholic Charities in Iran has been one of the most efficient organizations in... Read more


Light increase in number of pilgrims to Bethlehem for Christmas

Dec 22, 2003

According to the Fides News Agency in Rome, the number of pilgrims in Bethlehem has increased slightly this Christmas, but... Read more