Middle East - Africa News


Archbishop kidnapped in Iraq on verge of election

Jan 16, 2005

Today the Vatican released a statement deploring the kidnapping of a Catholic Archbishop in the Iraqi city of Mosul. Read more


Bethlehem mayor says Israeli occupation is driving away Christians

Dec 15, 2004

The mayor of Bethlehem said that the “bitterness” of the Israeli  occupation is driving more and more Christians away from... Read more


Dark future for Christians in Arab regions if world continues neglect, says scholar

Dec 14, 2004

The situation in the Arab world has reached a point at which the further subjugation and persecution of Christians in... Read more


New declaration says protecting marriage important in protecting family

Dec 5, 2004

International pro-family leaders issued a declaration Dec. 3, urging governments around the world to protect the family by upholding, preserving... Read more


Motherhood and fatherhood are complementary Cardinal explains at Family summit

Nov 29, 2004

At the International Conference on the Family this morning in Doha, Qatar, Cardinal Alfonso Lopez Trujillo, president of the Pontifical... Read more


Sudanese government expells charity worker, warns aid organizations in Darfur

Nov 29, 2004

The Sudan director of the UK based aid agency Save the Children was expelled from the east African country yesterday,... Read more


Catholics rebuild churches in Iraq despite ongoing violence

Nov 24, 2004

Father Nizar Semaan, a Catholic priest from the city of Mosul, told the Fides News Agency this week that Christians... Read more


Pilgrimages to Holy Land needed to diminish Christian exodus

Nov 17, 2004

Representatives of different Christian denominations signed a statement this week exhorting the faithful around the world to make pilgrimages to... Read more


Mexican Cardinal says faith and reason together lead to encounter with God

Nov 15, 2004

Amidst the confusion and disorder of certain scientific and technological “advances,” man must understand that reason alone cannot address his... Read more


Homosexual group to give sessions at national religion conference

Nov 8, 2004

The Gay Men's "Issues In Religion" Group will be presenting workshops at the American Academy of Religion's 2004 Annual Meeting... Read more


Pope to return relics to Orthodox Church after 800 years

Oct 31, 2004

Pope John Paul II will return the relics of two of the Great Doctors of the Church, Saint John Chrysostom... Read more


Iraqi Christians thankful for Pope’s concern

Oct 31, 2004

The Vatican News Agency Fides reported last week Christians in Iraq have expressed their gratitude to Pope John Paul II... Read more

Result of presidential election serious concern for world, says Knights of Columbus CEO

Oct 25, 2004

Knights of Columbus CEO Carl A. Anderson, consultor to the Pontifical Council on Justice and Peace who were meeting in... Read more


In face of terrorist violence, Iraq’s Christians defiantly vow to stay and rebuild country

Oct 18, 2004

Iraqi Christian leaders have issued a joint statement in response to the bombings of five churches on Saturday, October 16,... Read more


Christians fleeing Iraq due to growth in Muslim extremism

Oct 7, 2004

The EFE News Agency reported this week that persecution against Christians has resurfaced in post-war Iraq and that more believers... Read more


Salesians condemn killing of street boys in the Congo

Oct 4, 2004

The news agency of the Salesians published a strong condemnation by the Salesian Province in Central Africa of the brutal... Read more


Patriarch of Baghdad “played all his cards” for release of Italian volunteers

Sep 28, 2004

The Chaldean Patriarch of Baghdad, Emmanuel Delly, said this week the Church in Iraq played “all her cards” in working... Read more


Rwandan bishops reject accusations of Church involvement in 1994 genocide

Sep 22, 2004

The bishops of Rwanda have issued an official statement demanding the media cease from implying the Catholic Church bears some... Read more


Human situation in Darfur is "unbelievably desperate" says Salesian missionary in Sudan

Sep 21, 2004

Salesian Father Jim Comino gave testimony of the dire situation in the Darfur region of Sudan during a recent visit... Read more


Syrian Catholic Church supports Iraqi Christian refugees

Sep 14, 2004

Families fleeing Iraq after the Aug. 1 attacks on Christian churches have found safe haven in Syria, thanks to the... Read more