Europe News


Church will not be silent in face of pressure to silence her, Spanish Cardinal says

Nov 22, 2004

During his opening remarks for the Fall Assembly of the Bishops Conference of Spain, Cardinal Antonio Maria Rouco, Archbishop of... Read more


Official report reveals strong anti-Catholic bigotry in Scotland

Nov 21, 2004

According to a recent study carried out by the Crown Office in Scotland into prosecutions for religious bigotry since the... Read more


Portraits and sculptures of Popes to be displayed in Rome

Nov 21, 2004

The office of the Mayor of Rome announced this weekend that a collection of portraits and sculptures of the Popes... Read more


Bishops of Nicaragua: Without God, things become more important than persons

Nov 21, 2004

The Bishops Conference of Nicaragua called on the faithful last week to draw closer to God, because when the Lord... Read more


New Zealand jury acquits man who admitted to killing brain-damaged baby daughter

Nov 18, 2004

A jury in the Nelson Court of Richmond New Zealand has given a not guilty verdict to a man who... Read more


Professionals opposing homosexual adoption send letter to Spanish president

Nov 18, 2004

The association Professionals for Ethics will send a letter on Saturday to Spanish President Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero signed by... Read more


Spanish Cardinal warns of grave consequences of keeping Christ out of schools

Nov 17, 2004

Commenting on the proposed changes to educational policies by Spain’s Socialist government, Archbishop Antonio Cañizares Llovera of Toledo warned this... Read more


Pro-life groups calls for creation of Memorial Park for victims of abortion

Nov 17, 2004

The Spanish Association United for Life has begun a campaign calling for the creation of a Memorial Park in Madrid... Read more


Buttiglione explains European Parliament's rejection of his candidacy

Nov 16, 2004

Rocco Buttiglione, Italian Minister of European Affairs, explained this week the reasons for withdrawing himself as a candidate for the... Read more


Archbishop Rylko calls on Spanish Catholics to maintain "decisive and sharp presence in society"

Nov 16, 2004

During the Congress of Lay Apostolates which took place last weekend in Madrid, the President of the Pontifical Council for... Read more


Cardinal Rouco calls on laity not to fear marginalization and persecution

Nov 15, 2004

Presiding at the closing of the Congress of Lay Apostolates, Cardinal Antonio Maria Rouco Varlea, Archbishop of Madrid and President... Read more


Nobody dares to become Christian, says Indian bishop

Nov 15, 2004

There are practically no conversions to Christianity in the South West Indian state of Kerala, according to Bishop Peter Thuruthikonam... Read more


African and European bishops seek solutions, co-operation strategies

Nov 14, 2004

More than 100 bishops from the Europe and Africa met outside Rome last week to tackle the problems facing Christianity... Read more


Walesa says Europe must rediscover the concept of freedom

Nov 14, 2004

Participating in the opening of the new academic year at the Lateran Pontifical University in Rome, former president of Poland,... Read more


Majority approval does not guarantee justness and morality of laws

Nov 14, 2004

The secretary general and spokesman of the Bishops Conference of Spain, Fr. Juan Antonio Martinez Camino, criticized the government’s proposal... Read more


Fundamentalists apply “psychological terrorism” against Christians in Iraq

Nov 11, 2004

The Spanish newspaper “La Razon” published a statement this week by a priest of the Iraqi Diocese of Mosul who... Read more


Italian intellectuals reflect on relationship between faith and politics

Nov 11, 2004

The re-election of George Bush in part because of moral issues, and the rejection of Italian politician Rocco Butiglione for... Read more


Marriage at all time low in Italy

Nov 10, 2004

The number of weddings in Italy has sunk to an all-time low. According to the state statistics office Istat, there... Read more


Madrid Cardinal renews call for respect for human life

Nov 10, 2004

Celebrating the feast of Our Lady of Almudena in Spain, the Archbishop of Madrid and President of the Bishops Conference... Read more


UN criticizes Poland’s abortion laws

Nov 9, 2004

The United Nations criticized Poland's abortion laws in a recent report, stating that they are too strict and that they... Read more