Europe News


Kiev patriarch says Orthodox Church and Vatican should work together

Jun 16, 2005

The Orthodox and Roman Catholic Churches much in common and should cooperate more in teaching about the importance of the... Read more


Terminally ill patient thankful for cell phone call from Pope

Jun 16, 2005

A nun identified as Sister Maria Cristina became the first person to have a cell phone conversation with a Pope. ... Read more


Organizers of WYD reject offer to house pilgrims on set of popular reality show

Jun 15, 2005

World Youth Day organizers have rejected an “offer” by the producers of a German television program called “Big Brother” to... Read more


Bishop tells Spanish Catholics not to fear “psychological torture”

Jun 15, 2005

In a letter celebrating the feast of St. Cyriacus and St. Paula, martyrs and patron saints of his diocese, Bishop... Read more


Italian referendum results may signal need to revise abortion law, says minister

Jun 14, 2005

Church officials and leaders in Italy have welcomed the results of a failed referendum that could have lifted the country’s... Read more


Spanish bishops express concern about treatment of immigrants

Jun 14, 2005

The Committee on Migrations of the Spanish Bishops’ Conference has released a document expressing concern for immigrants in the country... Read more


Firm support of Spanish bishops for June 18 protests

Jun 12, 2005

The Spanish Bishops Conference has published a statement expressing support and encouragement for the upcoming June 18 protests against a... Read more


Catholic TV network producing promotional spots for WYD 2005

Jun 12, 2005

The Catholic Radio and Television Network in Germany (CRTN), located in Konigstein and affiliated with Aid to the Church in... Read more


Catholic television now available in the UK

Jun 9, 2005

Catholic television has arrived in Britain. Eternal Word Television Network — the U.S. Catholic television network founded by Mother Angelica... Read more


Messori slams Italian communist daily for promoting “black legend” about Inquisition

Jun 9, 2005

Italian journalist Vittorio Messori responded this week to an article in the Communist daily Il Manifesto that portrays as truthful... Read more


Archbishop Chaput makes plea for equal rights for Christians in the West

Jun 8, 2005

Europe and the West must “fight discrimination and intolerance against Christians and members of other religious communities,” Archbishop Charles Chaput... Read more


Spanish Archbishop calls for measures to combat anti-Christian prejudices

Jun 8, 2005

 Archbishop Antonio Cañizares Llovera of Toledo and Vice President of the Spanish Bishops’ Conference is calling for the adoption of... Read more


Russian health officials debunk “safe-sex” myth and promote abstinence in Moscow

Jun 8, 2005

In an about-face, health officials in Moscow have acknowledged that “safe-sex does not exist” and are opting for abstinence-based education... Read more


Denver Archbishop says historic inaccuracies not helpful in Jewish-Catholic relations

Jun 7, 2005

Both Jews and Christians must have a clear understanding of history in order to advance in their relationship and ensure... Read more


French priest hurt after mock same-sex marriage in Paris cathedral

Jun 6, 2005

French gay-rights activists took their legal battle for same-sex marriage into a Catholic church this week. Read more


Key Scottish attorney resigns over pope joke

Jun 6, 2005

One of Scotland’s most well known lawyers was forced to resign his chairmanship of the Faculty of Advocates after making... Read more


Madrid parishes read diocesan statement in support of June 18 demonstrations

Jun 6, 2005

A statement by the Archdiocese of Madrid in support of the pro-family demonstrations to take place on June 18 was... Read more


Pope John Paul’s secretary reveals he didn’t burn unpublished writings

Jun 5, 2005

During an interview with Polish state radio, Pope John Paul II's longtime private secretary, Archbishop Stanislaw Dziwisz, revealed he has... Read more


Catholics oppose broadcast of “Popetown” in New Zealand

Jun 2, 2005

A Catholic organization in New Zealand is insisting that a local television station scrap the broadcast of the highly controversial... Read more


Westminster Abbey counters Da Vinci Code

Jun 2, 2005

Since one of London's top tourist attractions appeared in Dan Brown's Da Vinci Code, tour guides have been inundated with... Read more