Asia - Pacific News


Canadian Catholic farmer takes his case against Monsanto to the Supreme Court

Feb 5, 2004

It’s now up to the Supreme Court of Canada to decide whether a Saskatchewan farmer violated the patent rights of... Read more


Canadian Catholic development agency excludes funding for programs that distribute condoms

Feb 4, 2004

Canada’s Catholic development agency has adopted a policy that excludes funding for HIV/AIDS programs that distribute condoms.  Read more


Canadian troops count on rosary, Bible

Feb 2, 2004

A rosary and a Bible were among the final items Canadian troops were offered before heading out on a mission... Read more


Canadian Supreme Court to rule if Catholic Church is suable

Feb 1, 2004

The Supreme Court of Canada reserved its decision in a case that has the Canadian government and victims' lawyers arguing... Read more


Hindu fundamentalists attack on Salesian part of increasing violence against Catholic religious

Jan 19, 2004

The Salesian News Agency is reporting this week that a Salesian priest was attacked by Hindu fundamentalists in the Indian... Read more


Roman Catholic church attacked in Sri Lanka

Jan 15, 2004

An unidentified gang attacked yet another Roman Catholic church yesterday in Katuwana, 30 km south-east of the capital, destroyed statues... Read more


Archbishop of Montreal defends new HIV screening for seminary applicants

Jan 14, 2004

Candidates for the priesthood would not be rejected based on their sexual orientation or the result of a positive HIV... Read more


Vancouver’s new archbishop ‘slightly’ more liberal

Jan 13, 2004

Pope John Paul II announced Jan. 10 that Bishop Raymond Roussin of the Diocese of Victoria will succeed Archbishop Adam... Read more


Canadian PM pledges to protect religious freedom

Dec 22, 2003

Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin pledged to protect the freedom of religious groups, and even use the notwithstanding clause if... Read more


“Pops” celebrates 15 years of ministry to street kids

Dec 22, 2003

On Dec. 8, 1988, Fr. Emmett Johns and a few volunteers parked a second-hand van in the middle of downtown... Read more


Prayers get Santa back on track in Canada

Dec 22, 2003

Thanks to their prayers, everything for Christmas is back on track, said Santa in a letter to millions of Canadian... Read more


Millions of Canadians unable to recognize same-sex marriage, says interfaith coalition

Dec 15, 2003

An interfaith coalition, which includes the Catholic Civil Rights League, has requested intervenor status in the upcoming deliberations of the... Read more


Legislation on same-sex marriage threatens freedom of religion: Ontario bishops

Dec 15, 2003

The Ontario Conference of Catholic Bishops (OCCB) is moving full-steam ahead with its campaign in defense of heterosexual marriage. The... Read more


Cause for Beatification opened for 124 Korean martyrs

Dec 15, 2003

This week the Holy See approved the opening of the cause for beatification of Paul Yun Ji-Chung and 123 companions,... Read more


Canadian bishops request to intervene in Supreme Court on same-sex marriage law

Dec 14, 2003

Canada’s Catholic bishops have asked the Supreme Court for permission to intervene in the case that could legalize same-sex marriage,... Read more


Filippino Catholics launch new Marian ‘army’ against abortion

Dec 11, 2003

Hundreds of Filippino Catholics gathered at the cathedral in Manila today, on the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, to... Read more


Canadians have  new Catholic TV

Dec 10, 2003

The Toronto-based Salt and Light Catholic Media Foundation is dedicated to bringing the Gospel message back into mainstream Canadian culture... Read more


Wife of Chinese Christian prisoner appeals to Christians around the world

Dec 10, 2003

The wife of a Chinese Christian psychiatrist has sent an appeal to Christians worldwide to pray for her husband, who... Read more


Chicken ad plucked after offending Catholics in Canada

Dec 9, 2003

A Quebec TV ad, featuring a priest and his congregation singing the praises of a barbecue chicken chain as a... Read more


Offensive `nun’ ad draws national Catholic protest in Canada

Dec 9, 2003

The image of a young black woman, dressed as a nun in a low-cut habit and showing her bare midriff... Read more