Jan 15, 2016
Deeply concerned about a "globalization of indifference," Pope Francis in his 2016 World Day of Peace message titled "Overcome Indifference and Win Peace," warns that "the first kind of indifference in human society is indifference to God, which then leads to indifference to one's neighbor and to the environment."
Pope Francis writes, "Some people prefer not to ask questions or seek answers; they lead lives of comfort, deaf to the cry of those who suffer. Almost imperceptibly, we grow incapable of feeling compassion for others and for their problems; we have no interest in caring for them, as if their troubles were their own responsibility, and none of our business."
To help reverse this indifference, the Holy Father appeals to national leaders for concrete gestures in the creation of "dignified jobs to combat the social plague of unemployment. … Special attention needs to be given to women – who unfortunately still encounter discrimination in the workplace – and to some categories of workers whose conditions are precarious or dangerous, and whose pay is not commensurate to the importance of their social mission."
A very good way to respond to Pope Francis' concerns here would be to visit the Institute for Global Labour and Human Rights (http://www.globallabourrights.org/) to learn what you can do to help correct many of these injustices.