Dec 17, 2015
In a world where 500 TV channels and thousands of websites offer seemingly countless choices for entertainment, it's becoming ever rarer that one particular movie or TV show can truly stand out from the crowd and become a full-on, must-see event. But the latest space epic in the "Star Wars" series, "Star Wars: The Force Awakens," has clearly managed to do that, with a near-constant presence in its own ads, hundreds of sometimes-ridiculous product tie-ins, and an endless parade of media stories about every aspect of the film.
The question that hundreds of millions of film buffs have wondered for months now is: Can it possibly live up to the hype? Or will it fail to deliver, like the ridiculously disappointing 1999 prequel "The Phantom Menace"? And will the filmmakers respect viewers' intelligence by steering clear of creating annoying characters like Jar Jar Binks?
I'm happy to report that "Awakens" does indeed deliver in spades, and without any stupid creatures dumbing things down. Knowing that this latest adventure was put in the hands of one of Hollywood's current top popcorn filmmaker, J.J. Abrams (who has also revived the "Mission: Impossible" and "Star Trek" series), there was plenty of reason to be excited from the very first second the famed John Williams score kicked in. The critic-heavy audience burst into applause with the Lucasfilm logo, the title appearance and the start of the explanatory scroll that brought viewers up to speed on the movie's events.
That's three rounds of applause in about two minutes, and the first actual image of the film hadn't even been shown yet. So what's the plot about?