8. Organize a period of nocturnal adoration, a holy hour or rosary, or a special mass for religious liberty in your parish. If you need a suggested format, try this. Perhaps conclude with the Litany for Liberty.
9. Organize a chaplet of Divine Mercy or Rosary for the country after daily mass every day during the Fortnight.
10. Sponsor an interfaith prayer service for the flourishing of religious liberty.
11. Undertake a simple fast or offer up another sacrifice of your own choosing for the intention of the restoration of respect for human dignity in all its fullness.
Take a Stand
12. Spread the word: “like” the Facebook page and share links and messages from groups such as Women Speak for Themselves and Call To Prayer, which promote religious liberty and suggest simple, effective ways to be involved. Talk to your friends about what you learn and use social media to inform others.
13. If you’re a woman, read and sign the open letter to the President on religious liberty from Women Speak for Themselves.
14. Participate in your diocese’s special events for Fortnight for Freedom, many of which are linked here by Diocese, but check your parish bulletins and diocesan newspapers too.
15. Write your Congressmen and write letters to the editor to insist the erosion of the free exercise of religion must stop.
Use It Or Lose It!
16. Friday, June 27th is the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart and the next day is the feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Observe these beautiful feasts! Maybe go to an extra daily mass or two during the Fortnight: to pray, but also just because you can. Offer it for those whose public prayer would get them killed.
(Column continues below)
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17. Wear a cross or crucifix as a public manifestation that you are a Christian.
18. Don’t be ashamed to make the sign of the cross and say grace before meals in restaurants and other public spaces. It’s just being who you are.
19. Volunteer at a religious-based charity. We don’t serve others because THEY are Catholic. We serve them because WE are Catholic.
20. Enjoy a Fortnight for Freedom film fest. Film critic Steven D. Greydanus has a list of films illustrating religious liberty tied to the saints and feast days of the two week period.
21. Actually celebrate July 4th and the liberty it implies. Attend a parade, go to the fireworks, stage a public reading of the Declaration. Honor it as an important day and take part in some form of civic celebration. As Pope Francis says, it’s important to build a “culture of Encounter”, and it’s good occasionally to connect with fellow citizens and remember that we like and are liked by our fellow Americans!