Mar 21, 2014
We turn on our faucets and out comes water – clean, refreshing, plentiful, life-sustaining water. But we rarely give it a thought. We just tend to take for granted that it will always be there. We even forget to thank God – the well-spring of life.
But for 768 million fellow human beings, clean plentiful water is a distant dream, cites the United Nations. For them, the water they drink, cook with, and bath in, is polluted and often disease ridden, and must be carried long distances in many cases.
According to figures released by the United Nations Children’s Fund in 2013, lack of access to safe water, sanitation and hygiene is a leading cause of death from diarrhea in children under five, amounting to approximately 1,400 children dying each day.
For those of us who have nice bathrooms, we simply flush the toilet, and that’s that. But according to the U.N. approximately 2.5 billion people do not have access to toilets or even latrines.