Nov 14, 2013
The bible study group had been discussing the Sunday readings, which naturally led to the subject of evangelization, which naturally led to our responsibility for preaching the Good News. Suddenly the subject was evangelization and us. A woman had a question.
"I heard the diocese was putting together an evangelization plan," she said, "but I haven't seen anything about it in the parish yet. Do you know anything about that?" And she turned a quizzical eye on me.
Now, right here I should say that when it comes to real-life evangelizing, this good woman can run rings around me and just about everybody. She's a woman of faith who's eager to share her faith with others and has plenty of practice doing that. Nothing I said should be taken as a putdown of her.
"I don't know what the diocese has in mind," I replied. "And I certainly agree that a plan is needed if people are supposed to work together in evangelizing teams. But really – there's no reason why individual Catholics must wait for the word from on high before they evangelize. The right and the duty to do that come to each one of us with baptism and are reaffirmed and strengthened by confirmation.