It is as if today’s parents have lost sight of the value of adversity,punishment and even failure. As to dealing with failure, it is every bit asbeneficial for a boy’s development and success. Moreover, being overlooked orostracized by peers can be occasions for humility. As I recall from mychildhood, it was the popular kids who never knew what it meant to be picked-onwho struggled with arrogance and self-absorption. Bullying or losing isunpleasant to be sure, but there are many parents who feel that it is the worstof evils. As such, they do everything in their power to protect their childrenfrom these unfavorably circumstances. Sometimes, however, being overlyprotective of our kids can be just as harmful as the bullying or losing itself.
As to the institutionalization of this aversion to losing, sporting eventsfor boys no longer stresses the importance of winning and achievement. Thisomission, quite often, is in deference to those boys who will inevitably feelthe disappointment of loss. Even in the NFL, players get penalized for“taunting” the other team after a great play. From public institutions tosporting events for children, masculine virtues of triumph and conquest areslowly being smothered. Except for a few institutions like the military, boysare no longer being trained to be men.
The training of boys to be men starts with the father. But the father needsthe community to reinforce this training. When a boy’s anger and self-pity isallowed to fester unchecked; when I see fathers and coaches do everything intheir power to protect a child’s self-esteem at all cost; and when I see a realattempt to dismiss the value of discipline and punishment; kids naturally feelentitled to win. As such, they will not know how to process loss in the yearsto come. With such an attitude, they are deprived of learning invaluable lessonsthat come with trials and adversity.
When I attend community activities for boys, I feel like I am watchingAmerica make the same mistakes as other fallen civilizations did. For instance,when the Roman Empire was in a downward spiral, there was a gender imbalance ofepidemic proportions. Masculinity was in short supply. In fact, these problemswere to surface during the third century. Catholic historian, Henry Daniel-Ropshad this to say: “The entire moral atmosphere of this epoch was permeated by anew style of feminism, which had been brought from the East by the Syrianprincesses of [the Roman emperor] Septimius Serverus’ family: women filled theroles of men because the men were wanting…” Men were wanting then, and I fearthat men are wanting today.
If truth be told, it was Christianity that served to restore the genderbalance by teaching and demonstrating to society what a real man and what areal woman was in Christ. By studying God as Father and Lord in Scripture,people came to understand how a father is supposed to behave. Throughoutthe bible, God was severe at times and yet at other times he was tender. He wasalso a God who rewarded and punished. And what is more, in his wisdom, hedid not spare his servants from adversity.
Like his Father, Jesus Christ displayed these characteristics. As CardinalJames Gibbons said in 1921: “In His person was shown the excellence andtrue dignity of human nature, wherein human rights have their center. In Hisdealings with men, justice and mercy, sympathy and courage, pity for weaknessand rebuke for hollow pretense were perfectly blended. Having fulfilled thelaw, He gave to His followers a new commandment.”