Oct 9, 2012
How many more articles have to circulate condemning the side effects of the birth control pill before feminists, reproductive health agencies, and the Obama administration take note? When is enough enough?
The latest report out of Germany states that women who take the birth control pill may actually be ingesting chemicals that make their bodies more hospitable to staph bacteria. What does that mean? In simple terms, it means that the pill can be a factor in the possibility of harboring staph in nasal passages. If so, these women will become sick from an infection at a higher rate than non-pill users.
So where is the media, always concerned as they are about the phony war on women? We have heard no alarms emanating from their ranks, nor are we likely to hear them.
Further, we have seen no public request that further studies be done to confirm these findings. Perhaps the problem is not so much that the pill may cause health problems for women as it is that the birth control pill is extremely lucrative for those entities like Planned Parenthood that specialize in marketing sex without consequences.