Jul 16, 2012
On the 4th of July, while most Washingtonians were enjoying cookouts and fireworks, nearly 5,000 Catholics celebrated instead at the closing mass of the “Fortnight for Freedom” at the National Basilica.
Catholic bishops had called for the two weeks leading up to Independence Day to be a period of prayer, education, and witness to the importance of religious freedom. Diocese nationwide responded with special liturgies, festivals, showings of “A Man for All Seasons”, and forums on the history of religious freedom. The Church even introduced a new texting campaign to keep Catholics informed on religious liberty issues.
Independently, lay Catholic groups like The Catholic Association (TCA) set out to reach people through social media to support the bishops’ effort. In an indication of the intensity of this issue, in a mere 4 weeks TCA built a vibrant Facebook community of nearly 100,000 people. Other groups saw similar results with their petitions, rallies, and social media campaigns.
Another sure sign of the Fortnight’s success is the reaction of those on the political Left. Partisans who support the President’s mandate requiring religious employers to provide free contraception and abortion-inducing drugs went into overdrive. Among others, Barry Lynn of Americans United for the Separation of Church and State, and “Catholic” groups funded by George Soros and other “progressives”, pulled out the tired charge that the bishops’ efforts are part of “a right wing political agenda” and are guilty of politicking in an election year.