As we tried to come up with a name for the series, it became clearly obvious to us both that it should be called “Marriage of the Lamb” because every Christian marriage is called to be a witness to the marriage of Christ and His bride, the Church. Each of the Scripture reading options point to marriage as it was designed by God to be lived out, based on the central act of love of Christ dying on the Cross.
I think most Christians get this idea of Jesus dying on the Cross as our Saviour and Redeemer. But when you look at that crucifix, do you ever see a bridegroom? It’s not exactly the image we care to depict when it comes to marriage. Yet, that’s exactly what every Christian marriage is meant to be; a bridegroom on the cross and a bride joined in union to her husband through sacrificial love.
Think about some of the beautiful imagery within the Mass that reveals the wedding ceremony taking place. Jesus is the source of life. Jesus establishes a covenant that is new and everlasting. The Church is His bride. The moment of consecration is the wedding and consummation. The reception of the food of Holy Communion which we consume unites us to Christ. Jesus establishes a covenant that is new and everlasting with His Bride, the Church, which is His mystical body.
This is why a priest is very much a husband and why he is called father. It’s also why a woman will never be a Catholic priest. A husband is a male, a wife is a female. The priest represents Christ, the husband. The laity represent the Church, the wife.
Traditionally, the role of a husband is to be food and drink for his wife. He is provider of the material food and drink that nourishes the physical body, as well as the provider of the spiritual food to nourish the soul of his family by being the spiritual leader. He is also provider of the source of life that makes his wife a mother. He is head of the house because he is the source of life in every way. He must lay down his life daily in love of his wife and family. His wife depends on him for nourishment by the security of his love and devotion. She is in submission to him in that she supports and helps him in this mission of sacrificial love.
These beautiful images are strongly present to us at every Mass and provide an example of love God wishes to share with and through all of us as individual members of the Bride, the Church, as well as in our vocations. And in certain ways, the love of Christ as bridegroom applies to both men and women in the marriage.