Aug 15, 2011
Remember your wedding day, guys?
You wore a rented tux with a bow tie that drooped to one side, and she wore an immaculate white dress that is destined to turn yellow in the box on the top shelf of the closet. She looked beautiful for the whole world to see as she walked down the aisle with a Mona Lisa smile that suggested she knew a whole lot more about this marriage thing than you did. And you were stunned – like no other moment in your life – when you realized that she was beautiful for you, only you, as she slipped her hand around your arm and you stepped together to the altar.
What a day!
Maybe it wasn’t quite that way for you, but whatever the external particulars of your wedding day, you did make a few promises for life. Whether you were married last year or 20 years ago, it’s always good to ask: How am I doing with all that?