Jul 28, 2011
A few weeks back, I wrote a post describing how “marriage equality” isn’t really about ensuring “equal rights.”
Now, a recent piece at CFMPL’s Ethika Politika blog highlights the ambiguous language that surrounds matters of “civil liberties.” And this particularly as it relates to gender-specific dorm situations on college campuses.
In his guest post, Chris Wolfe — a Ph.D student in politics at Claremont Graduate University — points out a number of flaws with the position of organizations like the ACLU and others in their attempts to defend near-limitless boundaries for college student living.
The recent debate over CUA’s single-sex housing policy is the newest episode in the ACLU’s attack on what they call “gender identity.” The case with CUA (mixed-sex dorms) is actually mild compared to what the ACLU has been pushing for in other colleges across the country: mixed-sex dorm rooms.