To be of firm virtue. Her virtue is who she is, and she does not waiver from those virtues she firmly believes in. She knows that to betray her virtue is to betray herself and God. She conducts herself with a man in a manner that tells him that she is who she is, balanced by a manner that makes him feel that he can be who he is. She shows herself to be an inspiring example.
To be modest and chaste. Modesty applies to the whole of a woman’s life, not just to how she covers her body. The modest woman does not dress provocatively, scantily, or any way that is deliberately meant to draw the attention of men. Modesty also includes the applying of makeup, the wearing of jewelry, and the presentation of her hair. The most important thing is that her heart is pure in motive, and that she is thoughtful about how she presents herself. Modesty also means how a woman conducts herself; the way she talks, the way she walks, her mannerisms, how she flirts with men, etc.
A chaste woman disciplines herself and practices restraint when with a man. A chaste woman knows that her body is a gift for her future husband and her kiss a sign of her love and devotion. She is not loose or carefree with either. She knows there is an exchange of rights to each other’s body given on the wedding day. If she has failed in chastity, she does not despair, and a good man does not condemn her or pass over her for it. A repentant heart and life should be celebrated and blessed.
To see her home as the priority of her attentions. To manage it well, and see it as the place she belongs most of all, and where she has the greatest responsibility before God. Far too many women look at their home as a prison, and the concept of caring for their home a death sentence. Too many women want what they think is "it all!" They want to work or have a fulfilling career AND be married, have children and a home. I recognize the dilemma of the modern woman in this regard. Society is unfortunately structured to need a two-income household. But my concern is the attitude toward what the home is. It seems to have lost its place as being a reflection of the woman’s beauty as the Scriptures say. That the radiant home is a reflection on who she is as a woman. That the home is her domain, her kingdom, her heaven.
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I know that may sound out-dated, but if you think about it, it makes sense that it is mentioned this way in Scripture. The home "receives" the people who live there and any guests. The home is the "dwelling" of the family. These are very much the concepts of Heaven; a place where you are welcome, and feel at home, find warmth and joy, experience love and care, and things that elevate the spirit. Too often we see families just living in a house, not a home. A "home" is where the matriarch is. She is the cornerstone. Without her, it is not what is should be in full.
These points outline the vocation of a woman of God for Christian marriage. I suppose this will be interpreted by some as being a very old-fashioned, outdated, over-simplified, even sexist notion of a woman as a wife. But it is completely Biblical, so I suggest you take it up with God first and foremost.
Women, do not lose sight of what it means to be a good wife, and live your life now as a single woman in ways that will prepare you to be this good wife outlined in the Book of Sirach. This is what men are looking for.