"The matrimonial covenant, by which a man and a woman establish between themselves a partnership of the whole of life, is by its nature ordered toward the good of the spouses and the procreation and education of offspring" (CCC, 1601)
There is nothing here about compatibility. The man and woman establish a partnership. The agreement of that partnership is about the "ends" of marriage and the "goods" of marriage. The "ends" of marriage: the mutual good of the spouses and procreation. The "goods" of marriage: fidelity, permanence, and being open to life.
So there is first and foremost a partnership that establishes the covenant. This makes sense Scripturally, which speaks of man finding a "suitable partner." Not a very romantic term, is it? No one says, "I am hoping to find my suitable partner." Find a soulmate sounds more romantic. I wonder how I would do if I started a website called "SuitablePartner.com." I could have the 37 points of covenant capacity. Exciting? Maybe not. But necessary? Yes, very much so. But I digress.
A suitable partner is one who is capable of executing the goods and the ends of marriage, as, God willing, you are. Having the qualities that make a woman a good wife and mother, and a man a good husband and father. These are the things that will honor the sacred institution of marriage. People are too caught up in themselves, and they do not think much of nor respect the covenantal nature of marriage, and prepare for at the personal level.
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Next is what maybe we can call "The 5 Points of Covenantability":
The two ends of marriage are the mutual good of the spouses and the procreation of children. You have to willing to serve the other with self-sacrificial love, and from that love, along with God as co-creators, generate new life.
The three goods of marriage are fidelity, permanence and being open to life. Fidelity means a commitment to this one, forsaking all others. Permanence means you promise to be with this person for the rest of your natural life. And being open to life means you will not block the possibility of children as you use the sexual gifts God has bestowed.
Mutual good, procreation, fidelity, permanence, being open to life. These are the essence of marital love. Notice how each and every one of them have to do what a person commits to doing, not what makes up the person. You have "do" these things. To do them, you have to be willing. To be able to do and will them, you have be capable of them.
A computer cannot determine the mind and the motives of a person. It cannot predict the actions a person will take toward another. It cannot help with the essence of marital love.
Love is too much of a mystery to be categorized and calculated. And people are too unique and complex as individuals to be boxed into a formula or compiled into statistics. There will always be couples who don’t fit the criteria or fall outside the norm, and live a faithful marriage just fine.
I am all for using computers to help us come into contact with people. But it would be a mistake to pass over people who come into your life because a computer told you they are not compatible with you, or because they do not fit your pre-conceived criteria list. The mystery of love requires more respect than that. God is the author of love because He IS love. May we all be open to whomever God puts in our path, and be pleasantly surprised by the person we might have never thought would be someone we would have been happily in love with.
(Column continues below)
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