We are in debt over our heads, let alone up to our neck. While credit card debt has declined over the past 18 months (one wonders how much of this is due to charge-offs by lenders vs. actual pay downs by card holders), overall personal consumer debt has increased to nearly 2.5 trillion dollars. That is equal to Italy’s national debt. Wow! Collectively we have personally as much debt as a G8 country!
We owe a lot as a nation, too. Uncle Sam’s credit card balance is just over 13 trillion dollars which is nearly 25% of the total national external debt of all the countries of the world. That adds about $43,000 per capita to our personal debt. Combining our own non real estate debt and Uncle Sam’s, we owe more than two years’ income based on an average per household income of $52,000.
We like to shake our finger at Uncle Sam for his debt. But all debt, private and public, is created the same way: by spending more money than we earn. A recent survey suggested that 43% of households followed the government in the spiral down practice of spending more than they earned last year. It is time we live within our means at home and in Washington. It is time to declare, “Debt free or Die!”
We are as increasingly burdened by weight as we are debt. Since the 1970’s, we have gotten fatter and fatter as a nation. [Note: high fructose corn syrup consumption took off then as well, especially among children.] It is as if the Statue of Liberty changed her tune to “…give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses and we will make them breathe hard and fat!”
We are no longer the home of the free, but of the fat. Two thirds of U.S. adults are overweight or obese. The extra weight adds billions in avoidable costs to everything from healthcare to airline travel. I know I am 30 lbs over myself. It is time for me and the rest of you patriots to soldier up and declare war on the bulge.
We are as careless with guzzling fossils fuels as we are soda. We consume more oil than any other country, even China! Our percentage of world oil consumption, much like our debt, is greatly disproportional to our size as a nation. Over 70% of our consumption of petroleum goes to transportation. We drive too much, too big and too often alone. We need to ride the bus to freedom, not drive! We all knew that oil was a big problem way before it was spilled in the Gulf. We need to free ourselves of the tyrannical automobile. It is time to sell our car, at least our second or third one, for our kingdom.