Sep 7, 2009
"To Toil and not seek for rest. To Labor and not ask for reward, except for knowing that I do your will."
Peace to all! I hope your Labor Day was full of both rest and family fun. Labor Day has always been one of my favorite holidays. It is short and non-commercialized, which for me, propels it right to the top. The physical and mental labor that each of us do on a day by day basis in our schools, jobs and homes should not be ignored, being rightfully rewarded with a day to "catch our breath."
Labor Day is a great reminder of just how much rest our bodies need. Often times we can forget what it means to take a step back, refreshing ourselves with a day off from the stress we encounter in our work. Without it we are not able to achieve the peak performance in our schools and workplaces, often times growing more agitated by those that we love. Rest rejuvenates us, improving the quality of our responsibilities and lives.
However, as you are clearly able to read in the above title, we are instructed by St. Ignatius (taken from one of my favorite prayers) that there is a clear difference between rest in our day to day working lives, and "rest" in Jesus Christ. Taken in context of the prayer, Ignatius is obviously speaking of this supernatural mind-frame that we are to put on in our faith. Ignatius is instructing us down a path of holiness that all too often is moved to the side. A path that demands of us everything we have in order to live fully in relationship with Jesus Christ. A path where there are no "days off," and there is no "sleeping," but a path of tireless movement toward our loving God.