Book Reviews2 A Catholic Bride's Wedding Planner

Book written by: Tracy Becker


This little handbook can serve as a helpful tool to specifically track sacramental prep and pre-cana items, but it is not sufficient for overall wedding planning. 


The content in the beginning – excerpted from the richness of Church teaching on the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony—was a refreshing and uplifting reminder for a blushing bride-to-be in the throes of wedding planning, though not presented in a very readable format.


Bonus points for orthodoxy – the content was light-years beyond what any wedding planner on the market can offer, but the material is crowded and entire block quotes are presented without distillation or explanation, perhaps rendering the tool inaccessible to those not possessing an MA in theology.


Recommended reformatting would include a month by month “couple’s to do” list of spiritual and religious practices for proximate preparation, and distilled teachings from the encyclicals referenced.  Also, consider including an index of weekly or monthly Scripture readings to meditate upon.


Finally, the bookmark, while useful, should probably be integrated into a permanent page in the planner – perhaps still laminated for durability and easy reference.

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