Aug 24, 2009
What is peace? If you have never once sat down and tried to put a definition to it, try right now, then continue reading after you are finished.
(This is when the Jeopardy music is supposed to start playing…)
Before we take a deeper look at what this term "peace" is, I want to first determine what peace is not. How many times do we get swept up in the day-dream of "peace?" Things are hectic in our lives, times are difficult, and we simply put our hands on our chins and dream of what life would be like if "we were only at peace." And we think of the ocean, the trees moving ever so calmly in the breeze…we think of life without any problems or difficulties…lots of money…going through life with a smile... Am I right? I mean, you’re not alone here. Most of us have dreamt of one of these things at least once in our lives, and it normally follows a phrase of, "life would be so much easier with _______."
The same type of thinking may hold true for those who desire to follow Christ. Maybe you are one who is working in the Church right now. Maybe you are one who is spending time, daily, with our Lord in prayer, begging for that unfailing peace. Maybe your goal in life is to become a saint (which should be all of our goals) and you are finding yourself still searching for that peace. How many times I remember asking the Lord in prayer for that peace that he promises in the scriptures, only to find that life seems more hectic than before!