The answer is that the savings had to some from somewhere. And if it did not come from the United States’ citizens, where did it come from?
We live in an international economy. Some countries actually save, like China. China, and nations like her, has more savings than it needs, so the people with savings look for places to put their money. Since China has a lot of savings floating around, its interest rates are naturally low (unlike ours, which are made artificially low by the money creation power of the Federal Reserve). If a person in China with savings is looking for a place to invest to make a decent return, he looks outside China to get a better return. One place is the United States. So, for example, Luckey’s Economics Textbook factory needs money to expand. But there is no savings in the United States—Hello, China! So the Chinese investor gets a higher return from investing in Luckey’s Textbook factory than he would get investing in something in his own country. So I borrow the money from him, and expand my business. But here’s the catch. I now owe a guy in China, say, two million bucks. And it’s not only me. Everyone who needs money for business purposes in the Unites States, and cannot find someone’s savings to borrow, must go to another country with savings to get a loan. So other countries own our stocks, bonds, and other securities.
It is the same with government debt. Our government has so saturated the bond market with its bonds, trying to live with a gigantic deficit, it has to go overseas to sell government bonds. In addition, the government and private corporations must increasingly offer higher and higher interest rates to attract foreign investors to take our bonds. US debt held by foreign countries is now $3.4 trillion. Interest on the Federal government debt alone is currently $261.6 billion. So, in other words, the Federal government is paying $261.6 billion dollars per year of your tax money just to pay the interest on the government bonds it has floated because we all want government services and do not want to pay the full price for them, and the companies in the US are paying a fortune to foreign citizens because the rest of us cannot get ourselves to save.