For many of us, these questions may not be difficult to answer. We have been told from the beginning of our lives that we are children of God. We are told that we are loved. We are told that we should glorify Him with our lives and we are told that our souls depend on it... this is all true, but it must go deeper than that. And in going deeper, we must realize that these questions cannot be answered the same for any two people. Our Lord created an answer to these questions for each and every person He has EVER willed to exist.
Yes, I know you can put nice sounding words together to make these answers sound good. But how does YOUR soul answer them?
This week, in this short article, I am simply asking that you take these questions to prayer. Think about them before you go to sleep, when you wake up in the morning, when you brush your teeth and when you are walking in the mall. Pray about them before our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament, as well as when you are receiving our Lord's body and blood at Mass. Ask your Blessed Mother to bring these questions to our Lord for you. There is no more time to waste in understanding the full truth of who we are. And in understanding it, we can live it, giving our entire selves to the One “who is.”