The adage of “less is more” applies to touching. Those who are dating must discipline themselves with touching as to insure that a healthy relationship develops so the body can respond properly to touch and the brain can better interpret love that is developing. It is a sign of maturity, for example, that a man can not only take things slowly with the physical part of a relationship with a woman, but completely refrain from acting on feelings and desires to touch. This applies both to marriage as well as the pre-marital state. Both men and women must move slowly and express touch carefully.
By pure acts of the will, there also must be total restraint of the desire to touch in the name of a higher good. That which is only proper to marriage must never be expressed before marriage. A total ability to trust is at stake. It’s not that two unmarried people who, in a moment of weakness, did that which is only proper to marriage cannot have love and eventually a happy marriage. God’s grace can accomplish anything. It’s more about the development of the inner person that is affected by what is communicated through this highly influential sense of touch. It’s about what is diminished as a result of these weak moments and can be difficult to get back, or pose challenges to work through for the future.
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There must be a profound respect for another person if there is to be proof of love. Too much excuse is given to weakness. As Christians, we are so much more than just weak human beings. We share the divine nature of God through Jesus Christ, Whose life we are baptized into. Grace is always more powerful than human weakness. Therefore, we have the power available to overcome weakness and weak moments. We have a responsibility to train our wills to be strong for future temptations. Our love for God should make us willing to keep practicing virtue and strengthening our wills so we can prove to Him our love and prove to the world that we have a share in Christ’s divine nature, which make us adopted children of God.
True charity and chastity in dating demand that both persons take it slow and do what is appropriate in their pre-marital relationship. Being prudent, careful, considerate, and guarded about touch prevents premature consumption, and safeguards against doing psychological and emotional harm to the other. Full consumption in love through touch comes only after giving free-will consent on the wedding day. The rights to each other’s bodies are exchanged that day, and full consumption is permitted.
Let us all have great reverence for this most mysterious and powerful sense of touch so that we would be good stewards of how we use it. May we always maintain an awareness of the power we have in touch, and never be casual and irresponsible with that gift which we are entrusted by God to use for good. May we reflect on and repent of our inappropriate and/or harmful use of touch. And may we ask God for wisdom and purity as we proceed to use this sense in the future.