There was a great abundance of sisters in Ireland – so, like the priests, they opted to go to America and other places as missionaries. In Chicago, as in many other American cities, the clergy were mostly from Ireland or of Irish heritage so of course they thought of Ireland as a source for vocations and missionaries.
With the Irish women, the clergy may have thought they were going to very obedient and docile women, but they found out quickly that this would not be the case. Well they found out quickly that this would not be the case especially in Chicago. The superiors of these orders in Chicago controlled as much as possible their own business and made sure their order owned the land and property they were on instead of the bishop. They also would not allow the bishop and others to interfere in their internal affairs. The bishops also discovered that they were pretty good about running their own external affairs too.
The sisters many times were ahead of their Protestant counterparts in the area of social work. The sisters started working with African Americans and others long before the Protestants did. Often times the sisters’ work was forgotten which was partly due to anti-Catholicism and also the sisters’ humility and wanting to work for God’s glory and not their own glory.